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Vision Pro - Community Question Thread

For those interested in the Vision Pro, let me know what questions you have about the device. I’ll be getting mine this afternoon and will be trying out all the features.

Here are some helpful links: Apple User Guide


Apple Makes Headway on M4 MacBook Air and Plans New Low-End iPad


Completely wiping macOS with installed MDMs?

I have two MacBooks that I acquired through two different startups. Both companies no longer exist and I was basically given the laptops. (They have just been sitting in my closet for a few years collecting dust, and it seems like a waste.)

Unfortunately, now that I want to use the laptops as part of a local k8s cluster (or even dedicated music production hardware), I am locked out of wiping the things because they want to connect to MDM servers that no longer exist or have admin passwords that have long since been forgotten.

Since these laptops are essentially "bricked" I have no problems opening them up and attempting hardware hacks to get around this stuff.

Both laptops are in various states of reset or wipe due to previous attempts to reset. (Funny thing, actually. I was personally responsible for locking down one of these laptops at the time they were in corporate use...)

Trash or treasure? I dunno. I am apple-dumb.


Unable to combine multiple pets in photos

I adopted a new kitten a few weeks ago, and ended up with 4 albums for him. One I think is a person, an actual contact. One I was able to combine with one of the others, and then another album showed up for him with a different picture. So I am back to 4 albums for him.

I tried adding the main album and deleting him from the others and that seems to work on some images but not others.

If I select two or more albums and try to merge it is greyed out. If I try and drag them into one another the other album moves.

Anyone found a solution for this situation?

Kitten tax:

The first time I met him.


After spending about 20 minutes taming him.


Big stretch.



Not sure when iCloud on the web got this good, finally becoming a legit alternative to Google Drive or OneDrive

Not sure when iCloud on the web got this good, finally becoming a legit alternative to Google Drive or OneDrive



It pains me to see all the efforts of Apple in the Apple Vision Pro, whereas what would really have made a significant difference is an Apple printer. Like a printer that actually

@apple\_enthusiast It pains me to see all the efforts of Apple in the Apple Vision Pro, whereas what would really have made a significant difference is an Apple printer. Like a printer that actually works in a really, really easy way.


Apple Slowly Moves Away From Its Annual Product Release Strategy

cross-posted from:

> Source Bloomber article


This home screen theme isn't my style, but I like how customized it is!


Four stitched screenshots of an iOS 18 home screen. The icons are themed in the style of a “NookPhone“ from the video game Animal Crossing.






Reference, apparently: NookPhone


I’d like to try heavily theming my home screen, paradoxically while keeping icons quite recognizable.


it would be nice if iWork used ODF as it’s really not productivity software if its formats are not compatible with the rest of the world no matter what OS and software one is using

@apple\_enthusiast it would be nice if iWork used ODF as it’s really not productivity software if its formats are not compatible with the rest of the world no matter what OS and software one is using particularly when ODF is now the ISO recognized format.


Can't change notifications email

I have only one Apple device and nothing else. I wanted to update the notifications email for my Apple account.

I open my AppleID in a web page of Safari on my iPhone.

I follow these steps :

1 Log in to appleid.

2 Select "Sign-in and Security"

3 Select"Notification Email" (the defunct email is displayed)

4 Select "Change Email"

5 Enter a new valid email address in the modal popup.

6 Click continue. The following message is displayed:

"Continue on one of your devices On an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch go to Settings > Apple ID. On a Mac go to System Preferences or System Settings > Apple ID."

When I look in Settings > AppleID ON THE DEVICE there is no option anywhere to change notification email … 🤷🏻‍♂️

People have been posting about this on the official Apple support forum for years with no solution mentioned.


The AirPods Pro 2 will soon double as hearing aids


Macbook Air wireless card replacement (continued)

Part 1:

So I went and did it. Ordered an adapter and an intel ax200. It seems work just fine out of the box in linux. This cost me 25 to 30 euros total.




Antenna considerations

The laptop was only designed for up to ac. The new card can do ax, which uses a different band. My router doesn't support ax, so I have no clue if that will see significant signal drop with the old antennae. I actually haven't even bothered to look deep enough to know if this even would be an issue, maybe it's okay.


ios (and iPad OS) major updates vs security updates

Edit: Kinda found a answer

>Major versions of iOS are released annually. Apple significantly extended the cycle of updates for iOS-supported devices over the years. Usually, only the latest iOS release is supported by Apple. Starting with iOS 15, Apple started to support 2 major versions of iOS, for a short period of time.

Hi guys this might be a silly question, do ios and iPad OS devices have different number of years of major updates (think ios 16, 17, 18 etc) and years of security updates?

Or do devices that don't make the cut for the latest major update immediately loose access to security updates once a new incompatible major ios update is released?

1 Apple Maps on Web Now Supports Firefox Browser

Apple updated its Apple Maps on the web feature to add support for the Firefox browser this week. Firefox users on Mac, PC, and iPad can now visit...

Apple Maps on Web Now Supports Firefox Browser

Apple updated its Apple Maps on the web feature to add support for the Firefox browser this week. Firefox users on Mac, PC, and iPad can now visit Apple Maps on the web, and the site works as intended.

7 WhatsApp Reaches 100 Million Monthly Users in the United States

WhatsApp this week reached a significant milestone of 100 million monthly active users in the United States, a market traditionally dominated by...

WhatsApp Reaches 100 Million Monthly Users in the United States

> The achievement, announced in an official blog post, indicates a potential shift in the American messaging landscape, where WhatsApp has steadily gained ground despite the longstanding popularity of Apple's iMessage. The Meta-owned messaging app is extremely popular in Europe owing to its cross-platform compatibility.


What's a good iPad/Mac app for tracking the Olympics medal count, that also has a widget?

What's a good iPad/Mac app for tracking the Olympics medal count, that also has a widget?



Apple Maps on the web launches in beta


I tried to us an iPad like a Computer

TL:DR Using an iPad as a PC is possible, but only in a limited use case. I feel that for the average user the iPad can be as capable as a PC for them. However apple needs either allow proper third party app stores on their devices. Or add in missing functionality to iPad OS to make it feature parity to Mac OS, like being able to connect with third party devices over USB-C.

----Pre-Ramble My thoughts on an iPad and why I have one----

I think everyone has seen, or at least hear of this apple add, where a kid with an iPad asks "what's a computer". This ad has always irritated me since the iPad has never had the same power, let along software or support a traditional PC has ever had. At the time, and up until recently the iPad for me has been a Glorified iPod Touch with a bigger screen.

However since then Apple has attempted to make the hardware more computer like, moving from the more conventional A series of chips to their M series for their newer higher end devices. They moved away from lightning to USB-C on the iPads before the European Union forced them across their entire lineup. And with official keyboard accessories and the like, to my eyes the iPad was looking more and more like a Computer, than it use to.

I eventually got my own, a 3rd gen iPad Pro when they were discounted. I assumed the M chips would have a long shelf life, which so far has proven correct with iPad OS 18 support promised. It's purpose was for Facetime and iMessage chats with family, but eventually grew to be my Streaming Video player and Web Comic reader.

I tried to do more on my iPad to see if it could do more. But every time I found that the App I wanted was behind a subscription paywall, had hidden fees, or was always online. A sad reality as a result of Apple's policies and complete lack of third party app stores. As much as I detest Android tablets, because of services like F-Droid, they have a much more robust software library which I can trust. Even though I do prefer the iPad software library which feels like they were designed for the device.

----Using my iPad as a Computer----

Now the reason I tested to see if I could use my iPad like a PC was because of my useless laptop. It's a Gigabyte U4UD, and it has the worse battery life I've ever seen in a PC. It literally cannot last more than 30 minutes off the charger. Even when the battery was working well, it barely lasted 1-2 hours on a charge.

The reason I care about battery life was because I was going to visit my in-laws in the next Provence over. With several hours on the road and no guaranteed power jack near where I'll set up and I needed a device with a battery that will last long enough for me to do some work.

And my iPad... was the only device that was left. On paper it could do the work, I've settled on my Office Suite with Apple Works (Pages, Number, Keynote), the default mail client is better than K-9 on android, and for web browsing I just switched over to the Orion Web Browser, and while it's not perfect, it has a much nicer browsing experience than default Safari.

So I packed a much smaller bag, and was off on my 4 day trip.

I actually didn't charge my iPad the night before, and when we arrived at our first overnight spot it still had a charge. Now if you've used a modern PC with Modern Standby you should know how much of a shock this was to me. And the wins kept coming. I brought along a Pi Media Server for movie nights and it was acting up. I needed to SSH into it to see what was up. I didn't preload anything and a quick google search showed Termius would do the job, and it did. Though I feel my Logitech keyboard case really helped here.

My only issue was that I wanted to listen to music on my iPad, and forgot to sync my library via iTunes before I left. No issue I though most Apple app will let you import the files by "sharing" them. So I move a few songs over to test and... no share option. One Google search later revealed that it's not possible. Thanks Apple. Sure I could've used VLC, but I've already dug out my phone at just use that instead.

Day 2 we were on a ferry, and I again still haven't charged my iPad. It was around 30% ish I think. And I was able to spend most of that 1.5h ferry ride doing work on my iPad with Pages. Now Apple Work's isn't the best Office Suite, it feels more like Wordpad more than Word. But as it is a proper offline office software I couldn't complain. Google Docs and Word technically work, but are online office suites, which I don't trust to work where the internet isn't a guarantee. Collabora Office would be a good alternative (Libre Office is my goto at home), but it has virtually no compatibility with the iPad keyboard mode. So it's more frustrating to use than helpful.

By the time we arrive at our Hotel the iPad had 8% left. God I love M class silicon. But I also got a renewed hatred for iPad OS. We went for Fish and Chips and I got some nice photos on my Phone I wanted to share with those on iMessage. I tried to connect my iPad to my Android phone over USB-C and... nothing. I tried KDE Connect, and I couldn't find it. Why Apple, did I have to upload my pictures to Facebook, download them on my iPad before I could send them to people when my Phone was right there, and I know M chips can talk with Android, because I know MacOS can. Lessons learnt for next time, BRING USB-C FLASH DRIVE TO AVOID APPLE SHENANIGANS.

But we got to count our blessing when they happen. Because hey, I was playing The Legend of Zelda Oracle of Ages on my iPad via Delta from the App Store. Sure it wasn't a perfect experience, there was a bug that de-synced audio the longer you played GBC games (no I wasn't using Bluetooth headphones). And I was able to connect my PS Vita to my iPad to move the save over... even if the connection is finicky.

Apple really doesn't want you to connect anything to their devices do they?

Day 3 was were things got really interesting. Because I saw the light, the iPad started making sense. Sure I can't connect much to it. But when you are woken up by the 5am sun and you don't want to wake your wife sleeping next to you. The last thing you'd want is to mess around with cables and adapters and make too much noise.

I got work done in pages, check up and fired off some emails, all while listening to some video and podcast on my browser. I really wish the iPad had a headphone jack, but I've grown use to the USB-C adapters at this point. Even then I took some nice photos the day before and was going to wait and edit them when I got home. But remembered I could do them now since I had Affinity Photo (which was half off).

If you don't do much off device work, the iPad can be as capable as any PC. Especially now that most software designed for computers are just websites. Sure you can't code on an iPad, and outside of drawing most professional software is gimped. But if all you do is light office work and web browsing, then the iPad really makes sense, especially on the go.

----Closing thoughts----

Nothing interesting really happened on the last day. But when I got home, I was reminded yet again just how good the battery life was. On this trip the iPad tried to be my PC, and despite a few issues it did almost everything I asked of it. My iPad effectively replaced my phone at our overnight spots, meaning when I went out, my phone actually had a charge. Yeah, it had issues, 2 of them. I couldn't move photos over from my phone to my iPad, and I couldn't add downloaded music to Apple Music. But when I looked at the word I did while I was out, and how I can work around those drawbacks with better planning and a USB-C Flash drive. I think I can forgive it.

I am in love with the idea of the iPad for a small form factor travel machine. And it is perfect for that work load. Though when I got home, I tried to use it more, by my hand got cramps with the Logitech keyboard case. So I am back to my laptop/desktop if I need to do actual work. But with a massive move planned for me soon, I am happy to know I can pack away my laptop and lighten my load.

----Extra Notes----

I wanted to make this into a video, but I lost some footage, and I don't think this ramble would've been entertaining to watch. But I still wanted to get my thoughts out somehow.


How do I get rid of my dead name in iPadOS settings?

cross-posted from: >I have set my new name everywhere I can in the AppleID settings but the old name is still showing up in this place, and maybe in other places which I haven't seen yet. But how can I get my chosen name to show up here? > > (for clarity, this is the profile picture selection on iPadOS)

Solution: The solution for me was that I had to change my name in the contacts.

More comprehensive solution here


Predictive Emoji have sucked for 9 years

>I use predictive text for one thing: emoji. I always, always, always want to see emoji suggested when I type any word or synonym that matches an emoji. Workarounds are not permanent, and using the emoji keyboard or Siri are not optimal. Please allow me to enable predictive emoji in all apps permanently forever. Thank you!

-My feedback to Apple

Feel the same? Submit here:

Also as far as my time estimate, that’s how long there’ve been complaints about the feature. I do know Text Replacements and sending yourself or using emoji repeatedly in a given app are possible workarounds.

Smartphone buyers meh on AI, care much more about battery life - 9to5Mac
  • @sekki I didn’t say it was. I said at that price, a lower IP rating wouldn’t bother me. My device cost $1,600 so it better have the best IP rating available.

  • Smartphone buyers meh on AI, care much more about battery life - 9to5Mac
  • @Zerthax @AbsoluteChicagoDog some people just refuse to live in the now and would prefer to stay in 2014. What a shame.🤦🏻‍♂️

  • Smartphone buyers meh on AI, care much more about battery life - 9to5Mac
  • @AbsoluteChicagoDog @Alphane_Moon nobody has been asking for bigger batteries, people already cry about the weight as is. Apple switched to using a titanium frame just to drop a few grams of weight because people were crying about the weight. So, no, people haven’t been asking for bigger batteries, they have been asking for devices that last the day and then some, which we currently have. You also have the ability to recharge your battery to full in about a half 1 🧵

  • Smartphone buyers meh on AI, care much more about battery life - 9to5Mac
  • @sekki @copd if my device only cost around $500, that IP rating would be fine, but when you’re paying three times that, you want it to be fully waterproof, sorry, resistant.

  • Smartphone buyers meh on AI, care much more about battery life - 9to5Mac
  • @copd @Sam_Bass here’s another aspect these people aren’t thinking about, wireless changing. That Qi pad is usually glued to the top of the battery or in some way attached that would make switching out batteries cumbersome at best.

    Most batteries also get through the day and the ones that don’t, usually have fast charging, which makes giving up your ingress protection to remove a battery, that much more silly.

    It’s not 2014. 😝

  • Smartphone buyers meh on AI, care much more about battery life - 9to5Mac
  • @Zerthax They’ll say they are responding to consumers who “want cloud storage and wireless headphones,” but options are always better, in my opinion.

  • Smartphone buyers meh on AI, care much more about battery life - 9to5Mac
  • Mostly stupid stuff involving sailor moon for me, using the lie machine for anything but funny pictures seems like maybe a bad idea at the moment:

  • Smartphone buyers meh on AI, care much more about battery life - 9to5Mac
  • @Alphane_Moon someone wanna tell them that AI can be used to increase battery life? 😂

  • Recommendations on an iPhone 16 Pro case that is not usuriously overpriced for a 10 cent piece of plastic, but still might offer good quality, and a STRONG magnet on the back?
  • I tried to look up the gripmunk but they have different styles. So IDK which one you meant.

    I wouldn’t say this like a super slim case but it’s not like otterbox or urban armor gear nonsense. I’m a guy that wears jeans so I can put it in a pocket no problem. So it isn’t huge and cumbersome but it’s not like girl jeans fake pocket slim heh. I tried to get some pics that show the amount of thickness and extra bezel it adds. I measured and it looks like it adds maybe 2mm all the way around.

    If you wanted to wait the PhoneRebel cases will be finished for the 16 sooner or later. Those are decent, more slim, and come with a free glass screen protector. Magnet isn’t as good but it’s decent.

  • Recommendations on an iPhone 16 Pro case that is not usuriously overpriced for a 10 cent piece of plastic, but still might offer good quality, and a STRONG magnet on the back?
  • Magsafe has magnets in the phone, the dock, AND the case for a firm connection.

    Here’s a pic of my Apple silicone case with no phone inside of it. It’s magnetic.

  • Apple’s first iOS 18.2 beta adds more AI features and ChatGPT integration
  • Wait, wait again, and wait some more

    Looks like there is a new waitlist for devs who want to see part 2 of Apple Intelligence.

  • Apple Working on New Magic Mouse 2, Magic Trackpad 2 and Magic Keyboard
  • @misk better hope it’s USB-C.

    I now have USB-C cable for my Mac, a lightning cable for my trackpad and a special charger for my AppleWatch. Being trapped in the most expensive eco-system means carrying around three separate cables.

    The Huawei watch can be charged by placing it on top of a Huawei mobile. #NoCable

  • M4-powered MacBook Pro might feature up to 28 GB of unified memory
  • For the occasions where you're uncertain if it's gigabytes or gibibytes.

  • What's the best way to watch youtube without adds on ios? (without premium).
  • I prefer SideStore, because it doesn’t require a computer after initial setup

  • It pains me to see all the efforts of Apple in the Apple Vision Pro, whereas what would really have made a significant difference is an Apple printer. Like a printer that actually
  • @ClassifiedPancake Also very true. People have no objection against living in the walled garden, as long as everything is there. The Wi-Fi in our house still runs on airport extremes without any issues, and close to 0 installation hassle.