It's a repost from other sub but the platform doesn't show that for this post because I changed the link so it shows the image directly on lemmy. Sorry for the post being misleading about the author. :/
I... um... Are they trying to code spam bots themselves? Are they THAT cheap, and, judging by the results, THAT talentless?
I almost feel like we should tell them that there are places you can pay to have others do this "professionally". This almost bypasses Funny and goes straight to Sad/Pathetic.
Wow, this is so pathetic. As if five star reviews would make the people more willing to accept and use their steaming pile of shit app. Shit stays shit, no matter how many 5 star reviews.
What do you want to report? Appstores remove bad reviews under premise of "bomb reviews" (or something like that) for corporations to unhurt their fillings. They did it for example with tiktok.
Report the individual reviews by long pressing on them and report the app to apple by tapping "report a problem" at the bottom of the app description page. If enough people do this maybe apple will take action. Not sure what the steps are on Android but I'm sure they're similar.
I opened the play store to figure this out for you and my wrist got tired scrolling through all the 1 star reviews. if they're buying reviews they're paying too much.
I saw this posted maybe on Friday and back then people said theyd report those and told others to, so is possible that they got removed already (or maybe there werent many)