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DrNeurohax DrNeurohax
Posts 6
Comments 170
The absolute state of NuReddit
  • Goddamn that was poetic, ya cunt.

  • Ukraine tells critics of slow counteroffensive to 'shut up'
  • All those folks in the 50+ age group that grew up with "Russia is enemy #1" are probably cycling through waves of intense work and prolonged orgasm.

    I wouldn't be surprised if one of the first things considered in strategizing any armed conflict is whether they want Russia and China to know that we have X or are capable of Y. Russia has shown their hand. If they could do more, they would have by now.

    It has also taught NATO that Russia is still in the barbaric tactics mindset. Hospitals, schools, churches, shipping centers - they're all valid targets. If Russia wants a position, they'll level the entire town. That certainly changes the plans, of anyone thought they would abode by the Geneva Conventions.

  • (New) LTT Video Error Handling Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
  • Eh, this seems a little half-assed, IMO. There's no adjustment for error magnitude in relation to the rest of the video content. If they fuck up a basic stat on an informational video, it can easily have a more significant effect of viewers than a major error on a niche topic in a long, multi-topic video.

    This works into the whole prioritization portion of the post. Many of the things they classify as "low severity" and only warranting a pinned comment could lead to completely different behavior. Example:

    1. Very Low Severity
    • The statement could possibly be misunderstood, but it’s generally true and most people would be fine with how it’s currently presented.
    • eg. The host says, “One of DisplayPort’s main advantages over HDMI is its higher bandwidth,” but this is only true when comparing certain generations of the standards. HDMI 2.1, for example, has much higher bandwidth than DP 1.1.

    If the whole video is on the differences between HDMI and DP, this statement is completely opposite of the truth on a basic, primary statistic. The connector's ONLY purpose is to transfer data, which is rate and bandwidth. The erroneous statement is an absolute - something IS something. All LTT needs to do is add, "some versions" or "generally". THEN it becomes a softer interpretation error.

    • DP's bandwidth is GENERALLY higher than HDMI's? Let me look up when this statement doesn't hold true...
    • DP bandwidth IS HIGHER than HDMI? Guess I don't need to look up that info because they're presenting it as a universal truth.

    Purchasing decision time... That GPU has 3x HDMI and 1x DP ports? Well, I'm not sure about these other stats, but I know that HDMI sucks compared to DP, so I can eliminate all the GPUs with more HDMI ports than DP ports. I guess I'm getting this 5 year old GPU with 1xHDMI and 3x DP ports instead.

    If that mistake was in a 30 minute news video covering 8 stories and the statement was an aside, okay, maybe a pinned comment.

    In reality, all these errors should be easy to correct, but that's hampered by YouTube's tools. LTT should be able to replace a small segment of video with a cut away to stock or b-roll and a voiceover with the correct information. But, you can't do that on YT.

    Another alternative, if the information is insignificant enough for only a pinned comment, is to simply mute that 2-3 seconds of video. If the misstatement was significant enough that muting it makes the rest of the video tough to follow, then the mistake wasn't small enough for a pin.

  • Wagner Group commander Dmitry Utkin was on plane that crashed north of Moscow, Russian civil aviation authority says
  • It's like a watermelon on a toothpick. I bet he was going home to cry on his oversized pillow.

  • US grows doubtful Ukraine counteroffensive can quickly succeed. Criticism of Kyiv’s strategy from American officials widens rift between allies at crucial time.
  • Ugh, you just had to say "anti-vax" for most people to know he's a certified stooge or a turbo-dumbfuck.

  • Bought these from a book fair, thoughts?
  • I think it's hard to go wrong with Murakami. I don't remember much TEV specifically, but I remember enjoying it.

  • The Netherlands and Denmark will give F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, the Dutch prime minister says
  • Thanks.That's kinda what I thought, but assumed I was missing something with the amount of attention the transfer of this one weapon platform has received. I guess it's also symbolic of the level of commitment by NATO, since it's not just a few planes, but also ammo plus training plus support framework.

    I'm glad we're not just throwing ammo at the situation and wishing Ukraine the best of luck, though I do wish we were doing more.

  • The Netherlands and Denmark will give F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, the Dutch prime minister says
  • One thing I've missed in the discussion of sending F-16s is the role they'll play.

    From what I've seen, Russia still has significant air defense capabilities, and they launch air fired weapons from deep in their own territory. So, if the F-16s can't get too far upfield, due to defenses, and there isn't much they can do in air-to-air combat, what advantage do they have over longer range artillery?

  • New Covid vaccines are on the way as 'Eris' variant rises
  • I see nothing fnord unusual about it.

  • Doom scrolling on corporate social media vs Bloom scrolling in the Fediverse
  • Oh, here we are - another day and ANOTHER Reddit vs Fediverse meme! I'm soooo sick of all these extremely accurate memes being posted by so many beautiful and intelligent people on here. I bet you even smell good! The nerve of some people...

  • last post here for awhile cause im tired of being the only 1 posting. not like anyone looks at these anyway. wish others would participate 🤧 edit: OF ALL THINGS WHY DID THIS BLOW UP? IVE POSTED 85 TIM
  • Lovin it! Since the protests I've had to visit Reddit a couple times for search results, but I've found I can avoid it 95% of the time. I'm hoping kbin and Lemmy start popping up on search engines more as the content accumulates. Keep on rockin!

  • The 35 Best Sci-Fi Movies Of All Time, Ranked - Read the article, then argue
  • Oh, whoops. Thanks for pointing that out.

    Metropolis is interesting because of the time period. I think of it like Godzilla or Akira in the context of nuclear weapons. As a movie, they're fine, but the culture and trepidation about the direction the world was moving adds a whole different level to appreciate.

  • last post here for awhile cause im tired of being the only 1 posting. not like anyone looks at these anyway. wish others would participate 🤧 edit: OF ALL THINGS WHY DID THIS BLOW UP? IVE POSTED 85 TIM
  • I'm not a fashion person, but I know you're awesome, so you have my support! I know I've been contributing less because life has gotten busy, but I'm always lurking around.

  • The 35 Best Sci-Fi Movies Of All Time, Ranked - Read the article, then argue
  • That's a pretty good list. I have a few differences in how I look at lists like this, though.

    I generally lump major series together, unless there's a real standout entry or a long series. So I agree with having just Star Trek 2 in it, but think Star Wars 4 and 5 should occupy 1 spot and include ROTJ. For cases like Terminator, where there are a ton of crap movies, I'd put the original and 2 in a single slot.

    There are a bunch of classic movies missing, too. Soylent Green, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Forbidden Planet, Metropolis, etc. Personally, I'd have Dark City, The Last Starfighter, Short Circuit, maybe Iron Man, Black Panther, or Age of Ultron (some Marvel entry). A nod to anime should also be in there, even if it's just Akira. Others I'd might have in there if I ever sat down to rank these things in order: Total Recall, The Running Man, The Lawnmower Man, Cube, THX 1138, The Fly, MiB, Mad Max, The Thing, Close Encounters

    Probably not making the list, but noteworthy conceptually: Minority Report, Johnny Mnemonic, Contact, Children of Men, Contact, Donnie Darko, Looper,

    If they want to include movies that were great within their times or some specific context, the original animated Transformers was a crazy, but noteworthy departure from the franchise's previous media. Galaxy Quest and Space Balls aren't philosophical masterpieces, but definitely high on my list.

    For kid friendly stuff, Batteries Not Included, Space Camp, Flight of the Navigator, and E.T.

  • Logitech Now Goes To A random website in order to add peripherals to a PC
  • Mine works fine with my sub. Saved me a ton of money, though not as much as opting for the Value Tier carbon fiber for the hull. What's the worst that could ha

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I... I'm speechless.

    Although, as a professional internet nitpicker, I have top s say I'm surprised he didn't go into color theory more. Easy 45 minutes of additional content there. (I guess he touched on it, but there's so much more.)

    Now I remember why I looked at lasagna cat a few years ago and, after a minute or two, decided to set it aside. There's a whole lifetime's worth of content to drown in.

  • Does anybody else do this?
  • I use this one. There are probably better ones, but now I have holders and cases for them, so there's no going back now.

  • Does anybody else do this?
  • I do the same thing with low poly brains (and a swatch card). I'm tempted to order one roll of each filament I used before starting this, but that would be hard to justify. My collection shall be forever incomplete.

  • Kbin's "Log in" bug is discouraging me from participating
  • I'm not sure if it helps, but I wonder if this is linked to the inactivity error.

    Load up any kbin thread or main page, open a new browser tab in the foreground, me around in the non-kbin tab for 15-30 minutes, and return to the kbin tab. Now any clicks on 'actions' (voting, posting, basically sending info to the server) sends you to an error page. Whatever info you were sending doesn't register (vote count or highlight, posts don't show up, etc.

    I didn't have any logout problems at all until maybe a week ago. Since then I've been logged out 5+ times.

    Not a big problem for me, but I could see it annoying others.

  • Reclamation {P: A cyborg with dimly glowing eyes, dying in a lush forest while it rains. Digital art style (I think)).


    Project Farm's 3D printed ratchet video highlights some not-so-obvious problems

    I love the YT channel Project Farm. It's unbiased, well thought out, practical, and numbers-focused (as much as a video can have without getting boring) approach is refreshing. Not every test is perfect, not every sample size appropriate, but this is a mechanical guy that knows his shit and is as curious about the results as the audience.

    His latest video compared a bunch of ratchets from different manufacturers... plus a 3D printed one. Made of carbon fiber nylon and printed with a newly purchased BambuLabs X1 Carbon, it failed miserably.

    The problem?

    I'd assume it was print orientation. It's printed on its back, with the socket connector pointing up, meaning layer lines are parallel to the force.

    But, then I did a little digging...

    Here's the presumed model. It's 100% print-in-place. I assumed the instructions would make mention of the correct orientation. They don't. Uh oh, am I the wrong one? Nah, probably just a random, low quality model, right?

    Oh, it has a decent number of makes that were presumably done in the default orientation, but maybe... oh, okay I'm deeeeefinitely wrong.

    > > > This is the first time an object has been designed on Earth and then transmitted to space for manufacture. > >

    I assume it's oriented for printing without much fiddling. Looking at the Thingiverse comments, there are people have success with PLA.

    Maybe the temperature was too low to get good layer adhesion. Is CF Nylon brittle? Could leaving the filament out a few days, being so hygroscopic, lead to this?

    So, any other ideas out there? Should he have used a different material?

    (Also, it's worth mentioning that he specifically says he bought the printer just for this test, so I'm not sure how much experience he has with 3D printing. That's wild to say because if you hear someone say they printed carbon fiber nylon, you assume they have significant experience. But, as an X1C owner myself, that's a totally realistic possibility.)


    Is there a comprehensive list of bed surface types?

    I went hunting for new bed surfaces the other day on AE (Ender 3 clone and Bambu X1C), and I veered off into other materials. That got me thinking about further possibilities.

    The regular options I've seen/used:

    • Material/coating: Glass, PEI, PET, PEO, G10 (and G11)
    • Textures: Smooth, matte ('textured'), coarse matte, faceted, carbon fiber

    I'd like to put together a table of materials, finishes, coating vs. solid, recommended filament, max temperature, price, etc.

    Finding G10 made me think that, really, ANYTHING can be a print surface as long as it isn't toxic and displays decent adhesion to filament. Then I stumbled on to carbon fiber sheets, which got me thinking about patterned surfaces. I looked around but didn't find many.

    So, what else is out there? Is it possible/reasonable to make my own surface textures, and if so, is there any info on the depths of etching or useful techniques?
