The would need to crash another order of magnitude for anything to happen. Tesla's stock is crazy overvalued even now and the only justification for the over-valuation is the track record and insane over-promises of Musk. That's the reality as investors see it. They will still bet on him until they're thoroughly convinced that he's not the golden child anymore.
He'll still own *the largest share of Tesla so it won't change anything.
*Corrected my post but the point remains: he controls the company and their image to such a degree he has to be asked to step away, all in an effort to improve his fortunes primarily.
Musk gets his money from Tesla, and somehow manages to control the company with his minority stake.
The stock holder confirmation of the insane bonus to Musk is evidence of that.
The other investors may be collateral damage. But that's OK IMO, they support Elon Musk, otherwise they should have gotten out long ago.
It's a "publicly traded company", not a "public company" - so a company where anybody who has the money to do so can buy shares in it, not a company owned by the state (which can be States, Regions, Municipalities, the Central Government and so on).
Since a "public company" is one oned by the state, in a Democracy that means every citizen owns part of it and all have an equal share of ownership (via their electoral vote they chose directly or indirectly who manages the companies owned by the state), whilst a "publicly traded company" is only owned by some amongst the public (those who bought shares in it, which can only happen if they had the money to do so) and the sizes of each owner's stakes are highly uneven with a few owning far, far, FAR larger fractions of the company than the vast majority (so, not at all a democratic system).
My prediction is that musk will eventually step down blaming the terrorist left. He'll use it for Twitter fodder for a while, then he will completely defeat the purpose by admitting on Rogan that he's still getting all the money via a pass through person.
His real value is in SpaceX, unfortunately Tesla falling doesn't hurt him much, he only owns 13% of Tesla, but has 42% in SpaceX with much greater voting power. He could take a golden parachute from Tesla, forget about it and use corruption to funnel US funds into SpaceX.
Would people stop actions against Tesla in that case though? I am hoping we can destroy his wealth, so while him being CEO is a relevant factor, it’s far from the only one.
No. Don’t step down you Nazi pig. Ride this wage right down to bankruptcy. I do not want you to resign, keep your shares and earn more from it. You deserve nothing.
Please stay on as CEO. I suggest everyone sell their Tesla shares. Not financial advice, but fuck f’elon, sell your stock.