Just got the ban, folks. Apparently for saying “Liquidate Musk”, which is a financial term. He should be liquidated, all of his assets seized and redistributed. I look forward to participating in this community.
Apparently Reddit has now become the judge, jury, and executioner. Before he has had a chance to defend himself. Yet another company shitting on American values for corporate interests.
In the 2370s, an FCA liquidator named Brunt had a particular interest in a Ferengi entrepreneur named Quark
No he was weirdly obsessed with Quark, like on a personal level, I think he may have had a slight crush on Quark, always coming up with excuses to come see him on DS9.
The US is a powdered. The media is being forced to crackdown on violent innuendos.Not because violence may happen, but because it is inevitable. You have people out there in the US wondering if they should take one for the team and talking about jury nullification. I have seen those posts.
The bad thing is, I think it's exactly what MAGA wants. They want a reason to declare martial law.
The trick is knowing that reactionaries and nazis always, always, always operate in bad faith. Even if given no excuses, they'll cook up their own reasons to declare martial law. It's coming whether we behave or not.
In emergencies, harsh measures must sometimes be resorted to. Expropriation of all billionares' assets (OK, maybe leave 'em $50M) is an absolute necessity to restore the balance in our system. So is the rollback of every single Trump action and appointment, and the actions of those appointees. Damnatio memoriae.
Napoleon, actually. Even as basic as it is, there is no way Trump is capable of articulating such a statement in a novel way, on account of he’s a fuckin’ moron.