The Democrat is well known after a run for the Senate last year. But former Vice President Kamala Harris' decision about whether to run looms over the field.
Democratic Strategists: the ratfucking will continue until moral improves.
Let's not forget that the DNC poured money into Republican campaigns via Schiff associated super PACs to exclude Porter from Californias open primary system so that Schiff wouldn't lose in November.
She'd have a chance if she ran as an independent, but if she runs as a D, the Dems consulting industry won't have her. I've worked with Porter before on both fundraising and some campaigns outside of elections and I'm confident she could win. However, if she insists on doing it inside the system...
I'm down for Governor Porter, but I also think DNC'll just back Harris following their usual bullshit "she earned it" bs. Honestly Porter is definitely more aligned with the standard Californian, especially after Harris moved even farther right trying to appeal to the general US (but let's be clear, she was still right of Porter even before that).
I kinda doubt that Porter aligns more with the average Californian. Remember, we are the state with the most Republicans which would also mean more moderates. I think Kamala's less liberal/progressiveness would appeal to conservatives over Porter. On the other hand, there was so much crap slung at Kamala, I could imagine conservatives not wanting her failing to comprehend that she's better aligned to their ideals than Porter.
True, I'm wondering how many neolibs and moderates would prefer other options. Republicans likely won't care much about the primary, but those groups do make up a fair amount of California too. Though I don't even remember who Gavin was up against.
Nah she can do it, because she can win outside of SF and LA.
The liability she has are the unreliable districts in allegedly blue areas within the bay area and LA. She's no friend of the power within the California Democratic party, but the California branch of the party is deeply unpopular even among California Democrats.