The German dedication to variety in Chocolate flavouring is impressive. Ritter Sport could make their own catalogue.
5 0 ReplyFor a while, I got addicted to Ritter Sport, but then inflation made it too expensive to me...
3 0 ReplyAlso Ritter Sport is not the kind of business that dies good things. Quite the opposite actually.
2 0 Reply
My mother used tu buy a German? Austrian? Chocolate at Lidl when I was a child... Something along the lines of "edelram"? I don't remember it clearly, but I remember the flavor 🤤
2 0 ReplyReece's is way too sweet anyways. Just thinking about it makes my teeth hurt.
2 0 ReplyReeses is disgusting, I don't understand how they make any sales here
28 2 ReplyI will take weird Swedish licorice and salt bs any day over reeses.
2 0 Reply
Go to your local Aldi's, get some of this actual good chocolate. Moser Roth is also good
2 0 ReplyThese are womderful, with a variety of flavours. Downside: one piece is not enough.
1 0 ReplySchogetten 😋
17 0 ReplyIf you are trying to buy European in the US - this brand is available in Aldi. Aldi has great chocolate
13 0 Replyaldis bag of reeses cups is something that I crave often since I moved away from a place that has aldi. They are so much cheaper and less unpleasant to be in than walmart too.
1 0 ReplyAldi's is the shit. I hate to sound like a shill, but they really are. No marketing, no bs apps or reward programs. Just no nonsense groceries. They beat prices by a large margin in my area.
11 0 ReplyI've bought them often. It's really good as is the hazelnut.
4 0 Reply
Schogett it!
3 0 ReplyI have never seen this flavour. I love Schogetten and I’m a sucker for peanut butter. Something tells me you found them in the UK?
12 0 ReplyIf only...
1 0 ReplyThey are real, I got them on Carnival in Germany :)
10 0 ReplyMein Rewe hat sie:
Morgen direkt nach der Arbeit hin ❤️
6 0 Reply
To be completely fair, I found that picture on the Internet 😄
7 0 Reply5 0 Reply
I freaking love Schogetten!!!
9 0 ReplyWe need this in canadian grocers!
6 0 ReplyI love these! Don't even know what Reese's is, tbh, but I know these are delicious
1 0 ReplyMy favorite.
4 0 ReplyDid you think I'd Schogotten?
2 0 ReplyI bet this is really tasty.
3 0 ReplyAh, this was my favourite as a kid. But by the time I could buy the chocolate I want I already had to watch my weight. Life sucks.
3 0 ReplyWhere can I get this state side?
2 0 Reply