In their defense, there are no stupid questions in this community.
...Although yeah that is hella repetitive. If I'm looking at their history right they haven't talked about a single other thing for the last 3 months. Not even comments or a random
You uh, you doing a study or something Hickak? There an answer you're looking for specifically?
”DEI hire” (and ”woke” for that matter) is used as some form of a right wing code word. They point at thing they don’t like and explain it’s because of [insert code word here]. Repeat it enough many times, and you get the impression there’s a pattern.
”Politically correct” served the same purpose before (until it somehow went out of fashion).
'Diversity hire' was a slur agsinst minorities and women for decades before DEI became a term. Turning DEI into a slur ss just the expanded version of the same thing since it also includes equity and inclusion.
Conservatives sure like twisting positive things into scary stories to rile up their base.
Yes. Any movie or series with a minority member as the protagonist is attacked for being "woke" even if their minority status isn't a plot point. There is no winning, if their minority status is the focus of the movie, people complain that there isn't anything else to the character, if their minority status isn't the focus, people ask why they have to be a minority if it adds nothing to the story.
People complain about remakes changing a character's race and say they should make new and original characters for that race, but when they are featured in new and original stories, people still complain.
The only "grain of truth" I would say to the "woke movies" claims etc... Is that sometimes, studios will use minority casting, as a substitute for coming up with a good story or doing anything actually original in the plot. IE a shit movie with a diverse cast is still a shit movie.
I would suppose it also ties down to the fact that, actually trying to represent more people as a push, also started around the time that, movie costs scaled up so much that investors aren't willing to go in on a movie that isn't a sequel or remake of something that everyone has already seen. Movies now are more diverse, and 90% of them are crap, but the correlation isn't causation, and that's demonstrable by the fact that movies that have all straight white characters, are as bland and unoriginal as the ones that the right blames DEI for why they suck.
But yes... in short DEI, affirmative action, and whatever they called it before has always been the scapegoat for why everything gets worse.
Yes to both. Yes, RWNJs do carry on about it all the time. But there is also a lot of fake outrage about things that either did not happen or were only brought up by a few people.
Pretty much every social media and news post where somebody "slams" something or someone has a high chance of either being completely made up or came from a 4chan thread.
This best part of that quote, is that it's the conservatives and the right-wing that are the weak men.
Weakness in that context is not about being physically strong or working hard. Its weakness that has allowed the owner class to siphon money from the workers for decades. That's the weakness.
The blue color men from several generations ago were strong. They put in place worker protections, they gave us the minimum wage, they made it so single income could support a family. They fought, and sometimes died, for the worker.
And this made soft little boomer and younger conservative babies, who in their softness thought that they were special and hard-working, and that collective action wasn't needed. They allowed Union protections to be stripped away because they, in their individualism, thought they didn't need it.
And now we've realized that we need to be strong again, and fight again, to make up for what those weak ass babies lost us.
precisely. the quote isnt necessarily wrong, but it always gets bandied around by people that cant differentiate between having a backbone and having (somebody elses) stick up their ass
People who don’t remember fall for the lies of „Strong“ men
„Strong“ men try to consolidate power by destabilising the state and undermining the seperation of powers. (Creating hard times for everyone except themselves)
„strong“ men get dethroned if the times are hard enough. (by desperate people)