Kryptonite-3 doors down.
Or any of those upbeat and obnoxious songs.
And Happy by Pharell.
I hate him, his stupid hat and everything he does in or outside of music.
Any song that just repeats the same shit on loop for the entire duration.
For example "Say" by John Mayer just says "say what you need to say" 42 times then it doesn't even have an actual ending, just fades out. It's definitely not the only song that follows this model.
Music by nature has some degree of repetition, but jfc make more than just two measures before you publish it as a song.
I mean its not want to cut my ears off but im not a rap fan. Well there are these songs were you have usually a girl singing a halfway decent tune and so I stop flipping through the stations and then suddenly the guy comes in with the rap and its like a trap. Ugh. change the station. This is sorta funny because I do like some songs with rap but generally its when the rap is treated more like one of many instruments that blends in with the song but does not dominate it or acts as an accent to the song.
The “no flex zone” song in the wingstop commercial that everyone who watches the NBA had to endure. Glad they finally changed it to Tommy Richman’s Million Dollar Baby.