I will stick with Firefox for the time being. One must not forget that Firefox provides the basis for all the alternatives listed here. Despite all the controversy surrounding Mozilla, I still think Firefox is the better alternative to Chrome. And I would like to support this at least until there is a truly free browser. My hope is that Ladybird will be a success. However, it will take at least another 1-2 years until development is so far advanced that it can be used as a browser for everyday use.
Until then, I think we should all continue to support Firefox so that it doesn't disappear completely from the market.
I kind of wish browsers would use cooler names, not "ladybird". Look at Brave. Pretty bad browser, surrounded in questionable stuff, but pretty much estabilished userbase nearly instantly, and I feel like much of that success is simply thanks to a catchy name
Firefox main problem with profitability relevance. They need more people to get people to use their tools
So I just have two questions.
How does this get new users?
How does this help retention?
The only answer is it doesn't and we don't care because we're going to cash out.
I'm not running away, I'll still open Firefox tomorrow like yesterday because the browser landscape is terrible and the shadow of what Firefox was is still good.
But I'm looking for the disruptor because as questionable as a lot of the new smaller browsers are, there are people out there trying and it's going to happen.
I remember reading a lot this past year about Mozilla fretting about their market share and trying to figure out how to grow their user base. Did I hallucinate that? Cuz their actions lately appear to be driving users away. Are they taking notes from Google or is there some other MBA making these brilliant changes?
Betterbird wouldn't exist without thunderbird though. Same with all those firefox forks people are recommending, if Firefox goes under most of those would go under too.
The primary reason I hated Thunderbird, was because it would always drop authentication whenever I tried sending e-mail from my Outlook address. Yeah I can see mail coming in for my Outlook e-mail, but I also wanted to send too and I always had to go over to Outlook and deal with the awful and confusing UI to send mail.
I had just tested BetterBird's capability by sending an e-mail from my Outlook address to one of my GMails and no issues. So, fuck Thunderbird.
Thunderbird really is terrible, but for some reason it never occurred to me to find an alternative. Just commenting here so I remember to look into Betterbird.
Same. I’m about done with all things big tech. As much as is possible at least. Orion it is! I also saw Vivaldi but I’m not super interested in all the other services that come along with it.