They were calling out how stupid you sound and how flimsy your argument is. Your initial comment was the weakest sauce imaginable and you should be made well aware of how dumb it sounds. For your own sake as other people will look at your text and absolutely comment the same conclusion.
I’m sorry you keyed into a single term from OP like “triggered”, but please be aware you sound like an idiot, you made an idiot’s comment and those types of comments are worth an idiot’s level of ridicule.
Please understand how plain I can be with this text, no confusion, no mistakes… your comment was that fucking stupid and everyone noticed.
I love how your comment is in the negative before I even noticed it happened…
This looks like the hill to die on, aka a hill where your comment already died. It looks dead and you have nothing else to offer as shown by your reply. That’s nothing I need to bother with…
In case you can’t understand, your comments are being viewed as negative and useless. So what hill do you want to talk about? What hill makes you feel safe?
It’s not a talking / karma thing, it’s closer to knowledge and takes some intelligence / consideration. With that in mind you should just keep talking while getting downvoted …
My investment so far has been showing everyone how fucking dumb you are. It’s so obvious, please take my involvement as casual comments. Feel free to keep acting the same, no one will see any change regardless so keep wasting your time. You should keep commenting so that everyone can see your stupidity; it makes a good snapshot for the future.
Your dumbass words crystallize everything. This is the mark of the internet where you share ignorance and act like you’re justified. Time gone, we look back at this for the justification of stupidity that it is.
Uh oh. Someone thought they were gonna have the same safe space they had on Reddit where everyone with an opinion not provided to them by Donald Trump or Fox News is insta-banned to prevent dissent.
Deal with it snowflake.
The general public isn't on, nor do they care about, Lemmy.
Listen, pal. I'm not feeling "safe". It's the internet. It can't hurt you. But I'm sure glad you took time away from protesting or wtf ever it is you do while the rest of this country works for a living to come tell me I'm not in Kansas anymore.
If I'm a troll, your my breakfast. Cheers.
Edit: Also, apparently you're an idiot. Because Reddit is a far left leaning platform. The conservative sub is one of the very few that hasn't been overtaken by the libs bots yet. But we're sure you'll try harder.
What world are you living in where DT and Fox News are the topics spoken of with high regard on Reddit?
Got it wrong. The name is "Captain I Run Trains On Your Mom".
while the rest of this country works for a living
I'm at work, dipshit. I'm intelligent enough not to have to do manual labor, so I work at a computer. And I work in a position important enough that they don't censor my internet access, so I can browse Lemmy and talk down to losers like yourself.
your my breakfast
apparently you’re an idiot
I know when to use apostrophes.
The conservative sub is one of the very few that hasn’t been overtaken by the libs bots yet.
No, it's been taken over by far right bots. In case you're not aware of this, like you aren't aware of a lot of things, /r/conservative is a few hundred neckbeard losers reacting to posts and comments by bots designed to rile up the dumbest Americans. Also, it's kind of hard to take over a sub when the mods are snowflakes who ban everyone that doesn't tow the Trump line. /r/conservative is where the most delicate of snowflakes on Reddit hide.
What world are you living in where DT and Fox News are the topics spoken of with high regard on Reddit?
We're talking about /r/conservative chump. Keep up.
Another example of why the gays get looked at with the slant eye, right here. You can't even operate in public without the constant NEED to push your sexual preference into every single thing.
It says far more about yourself than it does me.
Does it ever STOP being "cool" to constantly speak this way?
Do you eventually grow out of it or what? You're just terminally fucked and behave like this all the time?
Explain it.
Your entire identity is based on "I'm gay" "I'm different"