Uh oh. Someone thought they were gonna have the same safe space they had on Reddit where everyone with an opinion not provided to them by Donald Trump or Fox News is insta-banned to prevent dissent.
Deal with it snowflake.
The general public isn't on, nor do they care about, Lemmy.
Listen, pal. I'm not feeling "safe". It's the internet. It can't hurt you. But I'm sure glad you took time away from protesting or wtf ever it is you do while the rest of this country works for a living to come tell me I'm not in Kansas anymore.
If I'm a troll, your my breakfast. Cheers.
Edit: Also, apparently you're an idiot. Because Reddit is a far left leaning platform. The conservative sub is one of the very few that hasn't been overtaken by the libs bots yet. But we're sure you'll try harder.
What world are you living in where DT and Fox News are the topics spoken of with high regard on Reddit?