I fucking love anchovies! I just made a fried pizza with anchovies the other day!
If your supermarket has them pick up some premade dough, stretch out whatever size you want that will fit in the pan you have, and deep fry that mother for a minute or so until it's golden, flip and repeat. Then after that's done I top it with sauce, anchovies, onion, and mozzarella and put it under the broiler until the cheese gets a little browned.
Idk if it still classifies as shitty food but it's damn good and really easy.
I knew my pizza place hated when I'd order anchovies, so now I make it at home. Usually I'll bake them on frozen pizza, but tonight I tried my hand at something different.
Hah, sure! I've never been asked for a recipe before.
I dumped a can of tomatoes into a pan (not as good as fresh tomato, but it's what I had). Then I added a bit of oil, dash of salt, pepper, and onion powder. Then while it simmered, I smashed all the tomato chunks down with a spatula, and once most of the water boiled off, I got a nice tomato paste. (You can also buy cans of tomato paste to skip this part entirely, but it's all I had at the moment).
Then I spread a nice even layer of the paste over some sourdough bread, topped it with two different types of cheese (American and Swiss), and then threw some anchovies on top. I like to take a fork to splatter some of the anchovy oil from the can on there too for extra flavor.
Then I just popped it in the oven at around 375 for about 20 minutes. I'm not sure if you've made pizza bread before, but one of the key concerns in my experience is whether the inner part of the bread is getting crispy enough, so I'll usually lift up one of the bread slices afterwards with a spatula to see if it's been properly toasted.
Yea dude. Solid. I'm gonna add this masterpiece to sit alongside yours:
Take Jalapenos. Cut them in half. Take out seeds/pith. Put cream cheese or whatever cheese in them. Wrap them in bacon. Bake/air-fry them until the bacon gets crisp. Then put those in a grilled cheese with a slice of tomato.
Edit: use mayo for the grilled cheese instead of butter. I swear by it.