Quark comes up with some of the most philosophical perspectives about peace and arguments about war and conflict:
"They have weapons, you have weapons, everyone has weapons; but right now, no one has a clear advantage. So the price of peace is at an all-time low. This is the perfect time to sit down and hammer out an agreement."
"You incompetent hu-man! You failed to apply the proper NSFW warning to this post, and now you've cost me latinum and dignity! I was on the transport tube, minding my own business, when I read this. Instantly, my lobes tingled, my hands acted of their own accord, and before I could recite Rule of Acquisition #62—The riskier the road, the greater the profit—I was engaging in some... highly unprofitable public activity!
The other passengers? Outraged! Shocked! One even threatened to call station security! And now, thanks to you, there's an entire transport car of Ferengi collectively engaging in the act of oo-mox! Disgusting! Uncivilized!
You owe me reparations for the lost business deals, the humiliation, and the potential bribes I now have to pay to avoid permanent transport banishment! Next time, apply the proper content tag, or better yet, make it a premium, latinum-exclusive post so only the truly worthy may risk public disgrace!"