3D printing in metals of various kinds is pretty common these days.
As the proud (and almost exclusive) user of metal dice¹, however, let me warn you that metal dice have a few problems.
As others have noted, you can really scar the wood of tables. What they didn't note is that they can also, if they land just wrong, break glass. I have a nice coffee table that had a glass overlay about 5mm thick or so. (Note the past tense.) One of my d10s landed JUST WRONG, apparently on a hidden flaw that left a stress point, and that lovely glass overlay broke into three large shards. Replacing that was too expensive for my tastes. The solution was to buy a transparent PU (I think?) cover to the same dimensions—only 1.5mm thick was more than enough—and always unroll that over the replacement glass. But you have to be aware of just how damaging metal dice can be. (Other alternatives include using dice towers, rolling bowls, etc., but the PU cover has an added bonus of letting you put key documents, maps, etc. under it for quick reference without worrying about getting pizza grease on it.
They're heavy. Indeed that's part of their appeal, but if you carry multiple sets it can get a bit unpleasant. Sometimes my purse feels like I'm carrying several sets of knuckle dusters or something.
This is one I haven't heard comments on, but they get very cold in chill environments. Were I playing today (3°C at my desk at the moment) I'd use plastic dice.
Central heating (and insulation) is not common here. And cold weather rarely lasts longer than two weeks. We make do with small space heaters at need and I've got the space heater I'm using under my desk right now, keeping my legs nice and toasty. But the thick wooden desk is insulating quite well from the heat source, sadly.
To be honest, if you had access to the equipment that would be a lot more practical way to make this. Get a piece of square bar stock of your chosen metal, cut it into cubes, and then engrave and polish. That said, most people don't have that kind of stuff just lying around. Maybe if you've got access to a makerspace or a shop thru work or some really, really good friends.
I need large tungston dice like this that shake my table when I roll them. I want the click clack of metal to become a clank. I want my hands to tremble from their weight