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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Trump might have to ask foes like Trudeau for emergency eggs
  • It's two cartons of eggs, each container is a dozen and a half. Eggs are normally in units of a dozen so keeping that as a consistent unit across multiple brands and styles makes sense. Costco normally indicates how many things are packaged together more than the overall total. It's useful to know the format.

    If it was on tray of 36 eggs the would have used 3 dozen and the indicator to keep it consistent with the standard unit of eggs.

  • Why aren't all rooms holodecks?
  • They hand waved away the holodeck power thing in Voyager by days something along the lines of it is a different type of power that wasn't worth trying to convert to normal power for some reason. Basically just another Voyager excuse to ignore the premises of the show unless they happen to be bored that day.

  • i want to transition so bad
  • I am 39 years old and my egg just cracked. I can't imagine how it must feel being stuck but there is lots of time left for you to get where you are going. Keep going strong, it gets better I swear.

  • Choose abortion life kills
  • As much as I like making fun of anti-abortion idiots this sign is clearly angled so that from the normal approaches you can only see one side at a time. Let's make fun of them for actually stupid shit they do not force more.

  • Space Billionaires
  • They are rebel military governors of a station that seceded from the earth government. The media in question is a part of a propaganda wing of an anti-democratic authoritarian government they are under blockade and misinformation campaign from.

    By no means are they saints nor are they anything but military governors at this point. But in their defense the station was a military installation and they later go on to form a democratic government and cede control of the station back to it. So it's definitely a show that has a stand up to those giving immoral and illegal orders vibe. Not saints, definitely military and wield it heavily sometimes. But overall the message is one of following the democratic process and respecting the freedom of the press.

    The rest of the episode is centered around Sheridan allowing the freedom of the press and then getting burned in the end by the propaganda machine twisting everything that is said an seen to their own advantage. But still ends on the note that they were right to open up and right to believe in continuing to be open.

  • John Swinney rules out reintroduction of lynx to Scotland
  • From my limited understanding the removal of an apex predator can cause role effects through a good chain. First their primary preys will tend to over populate. Then the food sources for this pretty well get devastated by the extra consumption. Then any animal or plant that relies upon whatever food sources can collapse as well.

    The example that was explained to me, and please give me some grace as this is me remembering this from a zoology course in college a decade ago, I a burn in Yellowstone national Park.

    Birders had noticed that a population of a small songbird had collapsed. When wolves were reintroduced to the park they started to bounce back. Turns out the birds only beard in a particular your of shrub. That shrub was getting over eaten by the elk population despite it not being a prefered food since. The elk were heavily overpopulated and devouring less preferred food in much higher volumes because there were no wolves to keep the population in check. So when wolves can't back everything started to balance back out.

    This is a pretty straightforward example of how interconnected the average food web in an ecosystem in. These kind of role effects can spread well past the immediate area where a key species is removed. But hopefully it can help show how one species can be so critical for an ecosystem. I don't know about the animals in this case, but I suspect it would be something like this.

  • How's your week been?
  • This weekend I got to use my new name and pronouns with my community for the first time ever. I couldn't believe how good it felt to hear my new name coming from the people I love. I have been having a really tough couple of months as I have been slowly processing my gender and the joy this weekend gave me made it all feel worth it.

    I am extremely lucky, I have so many amazing people around me. All of my people that I reintroduced myself to were excited and supportive. I know that I have a really long road ahead and that not everyone is going to be that great. But I got a taste of what I am doing this for and I think she's going to be worth it.