Funniest shit ever. Someone was just driving it into walls in a hallway that looked abandoned. I took control when it went idle and maneuvered to what looked to be a bathroom. Someone else turned it around and spotted a mirror at floor level.
Update: our attempts at suicide by ladder have left us immobile.
Yeah I was surprised someone actually lived there. I thought it was just some random abandoned house the guy left the robot in so we could explore but we catched a glimpse of him behind a door watching TV.
My tired ass somehow read that as "this is controllable now: guy has moving robot messing with stuff in his house and his bladder under internet control"
Was difficult to move the RC. But I had a lot of fun with the TTS. Kept trying to talk to the person in the house. Finally saw the guy as he was shutting us down and tried to tell him not to touch us.