My wife came home one night, hammered. OK. Fuck me, she drove home?! Not proud to say, but we drank and drove a lot in those days, got a hotel or cab if we were smashed.
Next day she doesn't remember a thing but having a second drink at the bar with the girls. Nothing else. C'mon! Could hardly believe it, chewed her out for driving drunk, she insisted she only had 2 or 3 drinks. Bullshit. Takes more than a couple of drinks for us to black out. Hell, we never got that drunk.
She got to talking to her friends that were regulars at that bar. Regulars who had the same bar tender. Same exact experiences. You add it up.
She wouldn't report it. Because what are you going to report exactly?
Having said all this, that's my only story on the subject. And I've done a lot of sketchy shit, ran with sketchy people. Date rape drugs are not as common as you might think. But they are indeed a thing.
Oh, it's surprisingly common. There are even occasional bursts of people cutting out the middle-person and going for directly injecting people on the dance floor
It's scary out there
(and don't drive drunk kids; you're risking innocent lives because you're too cheap to get a cab. Not a good look)
"Date drugs" are super common and easy to buy. Psychopaths that actually use them on unconsenting people, fortunately not very common. But common enough thst I would never leave my drink unattended.
No. While people have the freedom to call themselves whatever they want, I also reserve my own freedom to call them whatever the f*** I want. It works both ways. At least it should.
No doubt. People do this shit even without rape plans. Either they think it's funny or someone pissed them off so they decided to ruin their night or perhaps their life.
My friend got dosed in Denver and ended up with multiple charges due to his behavior. He had two drinks at a bar, left, then did insane things that can't be explained by just being shitfaced.
Whenever you next attend a wedding, watch how many women take their drinks with them to the dance floor. That's the threat environment women live in every day
Thanks, I do try my hardest to act the insufferable cunt on here, so seeing people act like my reply was somehow clever and original (it wasn't, I've just seen it used before) was a bit of a surprise.