When I got hired they sent me the catalogue and said “pick something”, and I went “surely not, no, this is far too expensive for the one time I’ll wear it..” and they said “you need something for twice yearly meetings with the ceo, so just pick something.. ok?”
And so I got the absolute loudest (that I liked) multicolored zip front hoodie I could find and those bitches paid to have that shit embroidered with a logo nobody cares about or recognizes, and now I have a ridiculous sweatshirt that’s much higher quality than it deserves to be but cost THREE HUNDRED FUCKING FREEDOM DOLLARS, and thus occasionally gets worn even tho I don’t work there anymore.
I felt the same way about having to buy a suit for my sister's wedding. The bridesmaids will be able to wear those dresses again they're nice dresses and they don't obviously scream wedding, but when am I going to wear the suit again?
Homes, medical treatment, and financial stability are all a lot more expensive than bougie consumer products.
And while the average american can usually figure out how evil the oligarchy is, thinking through solutions and actions is a much bigger ask for the average american.
We don't have to solve every problem at all times. We are certainly allowed to narrow our focus here, from "everything that has ever sucked" to "enact universal healthcare now".