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ApathyTree Apathy Tree

I aim to be more human. I aim to be less apathetic as a human. Apathy grows, like a tree, and I aim to prune my own.

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  • You can make or buy something like this if you can’t do clips.

  • Linux distros good for hosting Plex/jelly
  • I know it’s valuable, I do, it’s just not something I am interested in at this time. It’s on my to-do list, I’m just not there yet, and so it isn’t what I’m looking for right now :) it’s a lot of extra effort I have no real reason to put forth for the basic setup I have.. and sure, keeping my settings would be nice, but really not worth the extra effort at this particular moment in time if I’m being honest.

    Easier is relative.. can I move it? Sure! Will I ever, though? I mean… even if I could, probably not.. so I don’t really care to do legwork when it probably will never actually matter. If my server computer dies again, I mean it’s not like I have RAID backups or something.. ima have to rebuild the lot either way. Again.

    The only things I want to learn docker for are the rrs. Sonarr, radarr, overseer, etc. I don’t have them now, so no rush.

    But yeah, I only have a rpi3b+ (iirc) and that’s so much overkill for a pihole.. but I got it back when it was cheap for that specific use and now I regret not getting a zero or something really shit to run the pihole off. But I’ve heard people run Plex/jelly off like suuuuper simple server configs. That’s actually why I’m here and why the docker chant has been super disenchanting. Because I figured more than a handful of people would give some sort of option for just.. lightweight stability.

    Debian seems to be the main rec, and I’ve heard mixed things about that as a daily driver, (and I know server software is different.. sometimes.. for………..reasons? That probably don’t remotely apply to me..) but the fact that the rec comes almost exclusively with containerization concerns me tbh because that’s not the kind of setup I have right now.. and I don’t think I need that..

  • Linux distros good for hosting Plex/jelly
  • Cool, thanks I’ll look into that :) I like easy!

    I don’t typically need hw acceleration for transcoding (my users baaaaarely would use it, if at all, and I bumped up the default buffer to account for stuff anyway while testing other issues, and never set it back from 30k seconds because it works nicely for me (pre load or load, seems to work the same but this is better for bad internet) so that works! I’ll probably have to reconfigure but that super long buffer has worked wonders for my partners parents. They have super shit internet and are, other than a couple friends, my only real users.

  • Linux distros good for hosting Plex/jelly
  • That does help, thank you!

    I’m not ready to dive into docker, so very helpful. :)

  • Linux distros good for hosting Plex/jelly
  • Hey, good for you going through and downvoting all my comments on my own post.

    Good for you. So very mature.

    I don’t see anywhere that I wasn’t engaging with people and asking questions so.. I guess I’m super sorry I don’t know the things you think I should.

    But honestly please just go away. :) I don’t want you in my notifications :)

  • Mildred
  • Im super glad it works for you, same with a self-directed name :)

    No need for sorrow, I think I'm just too old to see myself the way I’d have liked several decades back :)

    Either way, I hope you have a wonderful night friend! I hope to run into you again :)

  • Linux distros good for hosting Plex/jelly
  • Mostly just nobody having a simple os choice that doesn’t seemingly need docker.

    I don’t want docker, I don’t need docker, everything has been running for over a decade without it and maybe that makes me old and shit but.. so stupid to just “docker!!!!!!”.

    It’s way way overkill for my setup and needs and yet nearly all of the replies to my post require or strongly encourage it. Maybe someday I will learn it but this isn’t encouraging, at all. It makes me want to avoid using docker because if this is what happens when people start using it (they have zero other options) and I’m not into it.

  • Linux distros good for hosting Plex/jelly
  • Cool, I’m well aware of what people have told me thanks. I’ve gotten literally all of the notifications.

    You -are-being a dick, whether you are “trying to” or not :) and clearly didn’t even read the OP, so have a great night friend.

    Temple isn’t even a valid useable os, how are you -not-being a giant dick? 🙄

  • Mildred
  • There’s no name I actively want to go by, is the problem. I’ve tried with minor changes but nobody took them and they aren’t things I can just be like “this is me” because it… wouldn’t be actually? I’m envious of people who have the option to choose their own name, or how to apply it. Mine is so short there’s like 2 nickname options and I hate both. Passionately.

    Best I’ve ever come up with would take a full name change (first middle last) to be worth doing. And that’s not worth doing.

    I’m super glad it was effective for you, though, honestly that’s what matters. If it matters enough that you have a preference, it matters. My preference is just “anything else please” and that’s not a good option for most people, which.. legit.

    No judgement on your relationships, whatever works. I haven’t the energy to be weird about it :)

  • Linux distros good for hosting Plex/jelly
  • Thanks for taking the time to interact! I appreciate the recommendation and I’ll look into it (because it’s not Debian and docker. Debian is great, I’m sure docker is fine.. but I’m super disenchanted on docker after this thread if I’m being honest)

    Is it a pi because it’s made to run on a raspberrypi/orangepi/bananpi sort of system?

    That’s not a bad thing, just asking. I use my rpi for pihole, but I know the os is just a pretty Linux distro.

    I hear a lot of people use rpi as a host for such things. It might work for me but I have shitty old hardware that also does the job.

  • Linux distros good for hosting Plex/jelly
  • That’s too much work; I don’t know how to do it and have it work; I don’t want to put forth that much effort to learn an entire new dynamic for something literally nobody actually cares about but me.. I mean there’s tons of reasons I wouldn’t want to do that.

    As a self-host community that should be like.. understood..? But I was apparently wrong to make that assumption. Most of this community can’t even suggest anything that doesn’t involve docker. Which is super lame for low-level hosts.

  • Linux distros good for hosting Plex/jelly
  • That’s super fair and probably much more so than the tech bros..

    Holy shit have the answers to my question just been docker bros.. super not into that focus.

    I’ve been running my shit for over a decade without docker/docker-like stuff. I’m just really flabbergasted that almost nobody has a non-docker option.. like.. it’s Linux, there has to be a good middle ground, right? For basic uses, like mine with my whopping 12 total users.. maybe this is the wrong community to ask.. maybe Lemmy is the wrong platform to ask. Idk.

    And frankly it’s turning me off to Debian… like Debian is great as a base system!! But nobody seemingly wants to interact with someone who doesn’t docker which defeats the purpose of finding a good distro? And like I “know” Debian core is.. apparently difficult to use as a daily driver? and needs tons of modification?.. And I know this is sort of the same thing but at least it isn’t -docker- holy fuck.

    But you are probably right, pick something and cross fingers is probably the right option for what I’m doing because.. this has not been a helpful thread overall tbh. But I appreciate you interacting with me, this was worth the effort. :)

  • Part of this complete breakfast!
  • I literally took Latin in college for the sole reason that Latin is used in super stupid ways, and my science communication degree would be worth less without that knowledge. Because Latin-base is fully half of the science terms you need to know.

    And my college was super on board with my reasoning. Wish I’d also had the mental capacity for ancient Greek, because that’s literally the other half of naming schemes.


    I’m super into modern scientists giving shit pop culture names. Because holy shit is it ever more memorable than some random Latin/greek bullshit.

  • Mildred
  • I feel your pain. I wish I had a better first name or middle name to go by but I’m stuck between a shit place and a shitter place. And none of the nicknames I tried to get assigned actually worked out for me so.. I either get nicknames I hate as much as the name itself or nothing. Super fun!

    And if you want to change names, holy fuck, best of luck!

    At least you have something you can relate to? I have never met anyone, of any gender, named Shay. I know that doesn’t necessarily help… but.. it’s definitely not something I’d (as a solid middle age sort of person) consider a gendered name. Not more so than Aaron/Erin or any other neutral name..

  • Linux distros good for hosting Plex/jelly
  • When you say database, do you mean the OS and the server install? That’s my current setup; ssd for OS and anything that needs installing, with hdds for the actual content.

    I’m sure docker is easier if you know it.. that’s like the point, afaik, but while basic use might be easy, it’s.. never ever that easy for me, something always goes wrong, which is why I haven’t bothered yet. I know I should, I know it’ll make things easier (hypothetically), but it feels like a huge undertaking for someone with no skills. I’ve been looking for a super noob friendly instruction guide, and have not found one that I can work with, tbh, without a bunch of other know-how that I don’t have. (If you know of any I’d be eternally grateful!!!)

  • Linux distros good for hosting Plex/jelly
  • The problem with testing is that the server computer and my other computers are suuuuper different for hardware. So I don’t think it would be a representative test.

    I have an ancient enterprise (the hard drive had an oooold windows 7 install on, and it doesn’t run anything for shit, not really sure why at this point..), and a gaming-capable laptop (not like what I used to have from ibuypower way back in the early naughties when it was worth buying and not just alienware lite.. but pretty decent for a mass-market laptop I guess.)

    Server pc doesn’t match either of those capability-wise so whatever I try is going to be either boringly perfect or nonfunctional. So I’m looking to skip the test environment, ideally.. I know that’s a bad idea, but I’m looking for like maybe 2 days downtime, and I’m only doing it now because I’m also upgrading my hard drives (I literally ran out of space on the 25tb I had so swapping a drive for a bigger one) in a way that kinda breaks the server anyway. More than that and I’ll get complaints from people who don’t get what I’m giving them, just that it doesn’t work.. 🙄

    I’m probably not into Ubuntu for the same reason, it’s stable and fine but.. idk I don’t want a company potentially degrading my system for profit. I’d stay on windows for that. Already paid for it with the pc and all.

    But you make a good argument for Debian; having guides. That would have been helpful context from the other comments, but I think I understand the recommendations now when core Debian is -not- recommended as a daily driver.

    I appreciate your time friend! Your comment was super helpful… probably :)

  • Linux distros good for hosting Plex/jelly
  • That sounds pretty easy. I guess maybe docker is just this.. like.. monolithic thing everyone says you need to know and I.. don’t..? So having the vm option is probably chill, thanks!

    I’m sure it’s not as big as it seems, but it just.. seems super overwhelming.

    I’ll do some looking into that. It’s just been this.. albatross. I’d love to have the rrs set up. I appreciate a non-docker starting point! Thank you!

  • Linux distros good for hosting Plex/jelly
  • That’s a pretty good vote, tbh. Thanks!

  • Linux distros good for hosting Plex/jelly
  • No docker knowledge at all. So I appreciate the info, genuinely :)

    I actually know someone who used to use opensuse years ago. They are the ones that turned me on to Ubuntu, but despite (or because of) being a big-wig security pro, I doubt they remember much of it. :) so I’m just assuming I’m on my own with it.

    I do flash media booting to test stuff, but I refuse to test on the actual host pc because there’s too much chance of fucking up (any chance is too much; I have no RAID backup, no backup at all, can’t afford that many drives and I’m playing fast and loose with it).. I don’t even plan to keep my drives installed when I swap, juuuust in case I fuck it up monumentally. Some of what I have is wildly difficult to find and came from the actual library in town..

  • Remember that?
  • Thanks for posting that! I have no idea how to do that :)

  • [US] How can I start a union external to a company? Is this even possible?

    I know this is going to sound really dumb, but I want to help unionize my state, and I am aware of two heavily exploited and under-represented groups.

    I am qualified to work in entry-mid level positions in both of these fields but.. I want to unionize them from the outside instead of dealing with the shit from the inside. I can’t work those places because they are pretty abusive and I have an exceptionally low tolerance for that crap at this point, plus I’m kinda very much a communist, and this whole model we have doesn’t work for me.

    Instead, I want to form/expand an organization for at least one of them. The one I’m looking to focus on is lab workers, and if that works, go from there. What would I need to do for that to happen in Wisconsin? Is it even possible to form an external workers union? I know there’s some limits to public sector bargaining in Wisconsin, and while I don’t think that applies to private sector, I don’t know whether a private company with government contracts (which a lot of them have) would count as public.

    Are there any resources for this sort of thing? Maybe national unions that would want to expand if there’s enough interest? I’m super serious about doing this, so I’m really soliciting information.


    Giant kites could pull ships across the ocean – and slash their carbon emissions Giant kites could pull ships across the ocean – and slash their carbon emissions | CNN

    French company Airseas has developed the Seawing, a kite to help propel cargo ships, which it says could cut their carbon emissions by an average of 20%.

    Giant kites could pull ships across the ocean – and slash their carbon emissions | CNN

    I checked for posts about this and didn’t see any. Hopefully the cross post works properly.

    Archive links:


    'Maritime Travel' collage by Sarah Eisenlohr

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > Since yesterdays Sarah Eisenlohr post was popular here's another.... > > > > I also found an article which is an interesting read > > > > '.....Since I’m very methodical before I paste everything together, some pieces can take take a year to complete, while others fall into place in a couple of minutes....' > > > > Her website and online shop for prints


    Show User Instance on Comments

    I went digging through settings (always do) and couldn’t find an option to show the instance of commenters.

    It’s very helpful to me to have that information. The app I was using, memmy, had it, and I really like the context it provides for users of niche instances, but memmy doesn’t support direct messages and doesn’t handle images well, so it was time for a change. (Of literally all available iOS apps and the couple PWAs I tested, Thunder seems to handle hexbear/other inline images best at the moment - well done!)

    Is there a way to enable that? If not, I’d like to request it 😁


    Consider Supporting Default Vote Breakdown

    I was using memmy because it used the default option for voting breakdown to show up and downvotes separately.

    I would like to see all apps add a toggle for those of us who want a granular breakdown on voting (the same suggestion has been made to memmy and will be made to any others I try which don’t have it, and I’m on android as well!), for our mental health or for whatever other reason (for me the total vote count up/down is a mental health feature, and why I’m drawn to the fediverse. I want to know my overall reach and how many agreed, disagreed, and, inadvertently, the vote to reply ratio (which tells you a lot about how strongly someone feels about their agreement or dissent). I don’t want that hidden behind an aggregate number when it exists there as data already that need to be suppressed.

    I have downloaded and installed your app and have found it does not have this, so I would like to request it. It can be a toggle for those who want to know aggregate data, but it is my opinion that the default splitting of votes into up and down counts should be preserved as the default for apps as well, largely for the reasons above but also to give Lemmy a different feel from Reddit/other SM. We want this place to be different, and our UX choices matter in how that ends up working. If we want to maintain a more collaborative environment, the detailed counts do matter.


    Consider Supporting Default Vote Breakdown

    I was using memmy because it used the default option for voting to show both up and downvotes separately.

    I would like to see all apps add a toggle for those of us who want a granular breakdown on voting (the same suggestion has been made to memmy and will be made to any others I try which don’t have it, and I’m on android as well!), for our mental health or for whatever other reason (for me the total vote count up/down is a mental health feature, and why I’m drawn to the fediverse. I want to know my overall reach and how many agreed, disagreed, and, inadvertently, the vote to reply ratio (which tells you a lot about how strongly someone feels about their agreement or dissent). I don’t want that hidden behind an aggregate number when it exists there as data already that need to be suppressed.

    I have downloaded and installed your app and have found it does not have this, so I would like to request it. It can be a toggle for those who want to know aggregate data, but it is my opinion that the default splitting of votes into up and down counts should be preserved as the default for apps as well, largely for the reasons above but also to give Lemmy a different feel from Reddit/other SM. We want this place to be different, and our UX choices matter in how that ends up working. If we want to maintain a more collaborative environment, the detailed counts do matter.


    Plug-in for requests

    I am looking for a plug-in for media requests from users.

    My users suck, and won’t tell me if I’m missing stuff they want, or my copies are bad (with a few very helpful exceptions) so I’m looking for some sort of integration that like tells me what they are looking for, or makes it easy for them to ping me a suggestion to add/fix. I don’t watch most of my library, so this is a big concern.

    Most of my users don’t know my number or email because they are my partner’s friends and I don’t use the email address my server is tied to, for security (nor are messages usually passed to me on the rare occasion they are sent to him). So “have them text you” isn’t really a good option, and it’s enough of a struggle to get them to use it in the first place that adding another standalone app isn’t going to do it either.

    Preferably I would like something my end users don’t have to do anything to access, maybe a few button presses in their search interface? Like “search returns no results, request this content” as a button maybe?

    Does anything like that exist?
