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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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TIL what happens when you mix copper and tin!
  • I also mentioned that the gameplay is dogshit. Chopping trees and making camp fires for hundreds hours or fishing or literally any activity is just a click fest. As you put it the game has no fidelity. Not only do the graphics have no fidelity but neither does the game play.

    It’s a bore fest. Most people who talk about playing it call it a background game.

  • Jan. 6 defendant, who also attended 2017 Unite the Right rally, sentenced to 5 years
  • I am definitely going to be voting and I will be voting against Trump.

    With that said it’s pretty clear where things lay. The amount of support for Trump in the world is yuge and I don’t see any other possibility.

    Biden support is super low and there is no one else in the party that has a chance.

    I hope I’m surprised but I am just not seeing it.

  • What’s pvp? An sti?
  • Eve online is a good example of a good pvp system. At least your fighting has meaningful outcomes. A 5v5 in an arena game like CS has zero meaningful outcome.

    If you pay attention the landscape is always changing in Eve. Big empires are constantly being challenged and the chess board is constantly changing.

    Say what you want about Eve online. I don’t play it anymore. I don’t have the time for it. But I wish more developers were interested in making games like this instead of going for the esports trend. Clearly the money is in esports. I guess that’s what people prefer. I don’t tho. I think it’s boring.

  • What’s pvp? An sti?
  • The variance is the PvP itself.

    Exactly. To me that gets repetitive and it isn’t all that interesting if that is all there is to it. PvP for the sole purpose to pvp is only so fun for so long. For me anyway. That goes triple for shooters where there is no meaningful outcome to winning or losing. Grinding rank in a competitive game isn’t interesting at all when the game play loop is simple. I’m talking games like counter strike.

    I don’t have the time for it because the time investment is MASSIVE but the most interesting and fun pvp game for me was Eve online.

    Lots and lots of pvp with huge losses. But the purpose and outcome of the pvp had devastating effects to the economical and geopolitical atmosphere in the region you were fighting in.

    You weren’t fighting just to fight. Don’t get me wrong there was plenty of skirmishing. Lots of pointless and meaningless fights. Although they weren’t completely meaningless as every loss was a resource dump for the loser. Enough of those and an opponent might flee the region putting the war on hold to rebuild resources. War is real. There was something bigger in the game that was affected by your fighting.

    I wish there were more games like Eve online. I want the pvp I engage in to be meaningful and have lasting effect on the overall game. That’s what keeps me engaged and striving.

    The problem to me is that the vast majority of games have meaningless pvp. It’s an esports thing I guess. I don’t care for esports. I want engaging pvp. Esports isn’t it.

  • how can I stop feeling offended when coworkers don't return my greetings?
  • Stop caring. Seriously.

    These people aren’t your friends. You just need to get along well enough to do your jobs without hating each other.

    If they are so miserable that they can’t engage in simple social queues then it’s their problem. If they want to be friendly then be friendly. Otherwise fuck em. Move on.

    If it were me I would stop greeting people. Stick to myself. Concentrate on what is important which is putting food on the table. Be cool with the people that are actually cool and leave the rest to be miserable.

  • What’s pvp? An sti?
  • The problem I have with pvp games is they are very shallow compared to single player games. Most pvp games also tend to be shooters which by definition are shallow in gameplay.

    I usually get bored of the gameplay loops of pvp games long before I get tired of the pvp aspects themselves. Just take a look at counter strike, Valorant, Fortnite, etc. Not much variance in the gameplay loop. I get bored of that shit really quick.

    On the other hand a single player game like rimworld, factorio, battle brothers…..Their gameplay loops are complex and still bring be varied interesting gameplay even 1000 hours later.