Legit, poweramp is the default answer to this if you have any concern about sound quality. Neutron is as good or better, sound wise, but it's a hot fucking mess otherwise.
Gonemad is good, but the sound just isn't as good, and the ui is meh. The developer, however, is one of the most responsive and cool people you'll ever deal with.
Past that, and you're really just picking began your preferred ui. There's stuff like jet audio, or usb player pro that have niche features, and work fine when you're using an external DAC. But they aren't going to do as much on average.
I don't know musicbee so I don't know if it's similar, but AIMP has worked well for me. That said I haven't used it in a while as I've primarily been using dsub to access my self-hosted airsonic server.
I use neutron as well the sound is great but I'm kinda annoyed anytime it updates I have to get a fresh copy from their site or it can't see any of my music.
I know this is because of Google changing android permissions more than anything but no other music player seems to have this issue and Neutron is not a cheap app.
I've settled on gonemad, it's one of the only ones which has what I need - an audodj feature to queue random albums after the current one has finished and the ability to play random albums (like a button to play a random one). Unfortunately none of the open source ones I've tried have both of these, usually the autodj feature