I hate how this article focuses solely on her stupidly and completely glosses over the glaring failure of TSA to prevent this from happening in the first place. Bottle of water is treated like a WMD, but a pistol? Nah, good to go. 'Murica...
Also, I low-key think she deserves some punishment for having such a tacky gold plated 1911 in the first place...
They had me excluded interviewed, to the point of missing a flight, because they found a phillips screwdriver bit (no screw driver) in my back back. Even reminding them that airlines exclusively do not use these screws in anything inside the cabin of importance, had no effect. I totally agree with your "comically incompetent" phrasing.
You can fly with a gun in the US as long as it is in a checked bag. As long as it was in her checked bag and stored properly then the TSA has no reason to care. It was on her to know what is and isn't allowed at her destination.
You're allowed to fly with a gun (in a checked bag), and it doesn't make sense for TSA to enforce a law in America that isn't a law in America. It makes more sense to let them get to Australia, where they've then broken the law, and arrest them there when they get off the plane.
A review of Goodson’s phone revealed she had searched online “can I have a gun in my suitcase?” and set a calendar entry with a note reminding her to “put gun in suitcase”.
i don't see how that's much more incriminating than just having the gun. it's not like there's any evidence or any charges that she had plans to use it or anything. she literally just served time for bringing the gun.
This is definitely someone who shouldn't be allowed to own a gun. If you pull a gun on an assailant and refuse to shoot, then congratulations, you've just armed your assailant. You never pull a gun on anyone or anything unless you are planning to shoot it. What an absolute moron. They give clowns a bad name.
This is like concealed carry class 101. The ONLY reason for pointing a weapon at someone is because you are about to shoot them with it. It's a last resort. By the time you've drawn your weapon you had better have made up your mind that you're going to kill the assailant because that's the immediate next step. No warning shots. No last words. Draw. Aim. Fire.
It is not a "deterrent". It's the "I have no viable escape routes so deadly force is necessary." option.