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Texas medical school ordered to stop liquefying bodies after using them for training Texas medical school ordered to stop liquefying bodies after using them for training

The University of North Texas Health Science Center turned to alkaline hydrolysis to save money on cremations of human remains, budget documents show.

Texas medical school ordered to stop liquefying bodies after using them for training


The University of North Texas Health Science Center was ordered by Texas regulators to stop using illegal water cremation (alkaline hydrolysis) for disposing of human remains.

This eco-friendly but controversial method, illegal in Texas, was used without donor or family consent, raising ethical and legal concerns.

The center halted the practice in September following an NBC investigation revealing its unauthorized dissection and leasing of unclaimed bodies.

Contracts with counties and consent forms mandated traditional cremation, making the undisclosed use of water cremation a potential violation of trust and dignity for donors and families.