Don’t know why they’d put “Developer of the Newpipe app” as dev though
My guess is that they did not want to take credit as the developer of NewPipe itself. As if to say "We did not develop NewPipe, we just packaged it as a Flatpak". There is probably a better way to get that across in the byline, but I believe that is the intent.
Android translation layer is interesting. Well, at least I personally like this approach more than that of waydroid. Also would be nice to see the performance of that with binfmt compared to that of waydroid + libhoudini
Also nice because you can better isolate these Android apps instead of Waydroid which intentional has no isolation or selinux policies and runs in a rootful LXC container.
The images in gitlab look mouse controllable. I should've phrased my question better. I was wondering how keyboard was translated. I could test it myself but I'm 99% sure codm wont work.
Love how when the dev of this felt compelled to link to atl, their browser gave them the link with /-/issues at the end. Really shows the effort that went into porting.