Little graph to remind you how unbelievable it is that you can instantly contact someone anywhere on the planet for free
Little graph to remind you how unbelievable it is that you can instantly contact someone anywhere on the planet for free

This data is decidedly not beautiful. The scale of the graph is the wrong one and should be logarithmic as stated in other comments. The price didn’t drop to 0 in the 80’s….
31 1 ReplyI remember having to pay to call my girlfriend two cities over in the 90s. Like, let's get real.
4 0 Reply
Where can I get this free cell phone plan?
17 4 ReplyYou can use the internet these days to call anyone for free, with video even.
21 2 ReplyDownloads free app and login to a free wi-fi, that's all. Even if you need to buy the hardware the cheapest junk phone will suffice.
8 0 ReplyThis specifically refers to phone calls.
2 8 Reply
Obama had a program that gave out free cellphones during his first term. Don't remember how that went down.
2 0 ReplyThey still had them in California as of a month ago. I always saw their setups around my city. You could get a phone and a tablet, but the tablet might have been tied to certain provider or your benefits (EBT/snap/etc)
2 0 ReplyAnd those plans did not cover international calls lol
1 3 Reply
They exist, at least in Germany.
2 0 Reply
Not free, just very very very cheap. Economy of scale
9 0 ReplyLondon <-> San Francisco is missing. The caption is a lie. It should have said something like "between New York and both London and San Francisco".
Also they obviously need a log scale. Like how can you not see that?
6 5 ReplyOr from New York to London and San Francisco 💛
2 0 ReplyThe venga phone is callin’, and everybody’s dialin’…
1 0 Reply
London -> Has a song tho so it's covered
1 0 Reply