Problem: I've never cared about my appearance before and have no idea what I like or a starting point for trying stuff
Listening to others fashion advice gives me that starting point to begin exploring! Sorry I know you don't mean that in a dismissive way, I just wanted to chime in that fashion advice is still worth discussing, it's just not something to hold yourself to =D
Our post was more in the spirit of ignoring the non-consensual barrage of 'advice', shame and other such things both the fashion industry and other people lay on people all the time.
My access to feminine clothes is fairly limited and I don't know much about it at the moment, but I absolutely love long light dresses. No other type of clothes that I ever wore comes close to them, they are really comfortable to wear and really affirming. I also love to spin around in them. I assume that long skirts are similar so I really want to try them on too.
I don't really know about fashion, but I do find it helpful to learn about your body shape and focus on the form and what is flattering or not on your body. For example, a lot of trans women have inverted triangle or "strawberry" shape because of their broad shoulders. Others have more of an "apple" or square shape if their waist is large enough (usually due to male pattern fat distribution).
Reshaping the body by losing and re-gaining weight is a good long-term project, but in the short term it's good to know how clothes are going to look on you.