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[NSFL] Russian soldier attempts to evade a skilled FPV drone pilot.

"Kwacha game" with the participation of the Russian occupier and the Ukrainian FPV drone.

☠️ But you cannot escape from fate. Especially if the operator of the 4th Mehbat of the Presidential Brigade is at the remote control.

#4МБ #Лиман #FPV #Дрон

  • I'm pretty sure that the drone was well within lethal range multiple times there. If the drone operator has a "detonate" button, not just the contact fuze that I assume that coil visible on the front is part of, he probably could have set it off on one of the earlier passes.

  • This is what it takes to be a drone warfare ace? Damn, it's early days. Maybe with the payload it's different.

    If you're interested in seeing where the hobby community puts the skill ceiling, go check out some acro FPV videos. It's wild what people are doing. Shooting through windows, pirouetting in 3D space, quick reversals. A high level hobbyist acro FPV racer would be wild to see in combat.

    I'm never gonna be a foot soldier. Not on your life.

    • The payloads are maxed out, which makes it very hard to change direction. The stuff that impresses me the most is the flying through the woods that Magyar's Birds does.

      • Thanks! This channel goes hard. What strikes me first was the mordant sense of humor. I'm used to following ReportingFromUkraine, and the difference is intense.

    • But these drones have a mortar shell attached to the bottom of it. So the additional weight and changed center of gravity will make it more of a challenge.

      That said, I got the pleasure of seeing one of these drone acrobats practice with one of his drones close to where I live. The thought I kept having was.. no wonder these things are so deadly.. fast, agile, and loud when close but the sound quickly dissapates when more than 20 or 30m away.

      • Maybe someday more advanced batteries (or lighter munitions) will allow for what I'm imagining. Also, a hex drone might have the grunt to carry a payload and maintain agility. The cost goes up with six motors though, of course. I'm just intrigued to see how this technology reshapes 21st century combat. The hellish Benny Hill chase videos are fun though I must admit

  • 🌻