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Darkassassin07 Darkassassin07


Posts 20
Comments 1.3K
How does a car cigarette lighter work?
  • β€œ...a built-in cigarette case which β€œhands” you a cigarette at the [unintelligible] of a convenient lever.”

    Really disappointed that's all that link had... No pictures or illustrations, not even a proper description :/

  • How does a car cigarette lighter work?
  • The 3d scans you can manipulate on that page are pretty cool.

    Not all that surprised by the lighters mechanism though; a bit of nickle chrome wire for a heating element and some bi-metal strips to release it based on temperature. Pretty simple.

  • Sovcit got thrown out of court.
  • SovCit insisted they weren't the defendant, but was their representative; judge played along and refused to let this non-defendant represent the actual defendant as they are not an attorney.

    Either agree you are actually the defendant, or come back as a licensed attorney. In the mean time, the court can assume the defendant hasn't/wont appear and proceed accordingly. (default judgement, bench warrant, or whatever else is applicable to this case)

  • [NSFL] Russian soldier attempts to evade a skilled FPV drone pilot.
  • I mean, sure; but playing with your food is so much fun...

  • Can someone help me determine what power outlet adapter I need in the Philippines?
  • Is where I got that.

    Looking into it more though; it seems they used to use both and have since moved to 220v for the majority of things.

    Many plug packs (ac-dc adapters) are dual voltage and will handle 220v just fine. Check the label on the plug though. Most other things you will need a transformer unfortunately.

  • Can someone help me determine what power outlet adapter I need in the Philippines?
  • The Philippines uses 115v 60hz, like America.

    They also use these three plug designs:

    You may need an plug adapter if you run into the third one, but you won't need a transformer.

  • ⬇️ *push*
  • Seeing a post with 0 upvotes (and seprate downvotes) always makes me chuckle.

    'huh, even OP thinks this is bullshit...'

  • forced to buy an echo for new house. any suggestions?
  • The microphone disable switch on every google home/amazon alexa device does not physically disable the microphone; it just informs the software that you'd like it to not listen to you. It can still do so whenever it pleases.

    This is how/why it is able to respond 'your microphone is currently disabled' when you try to command it with that switch on.

  • forced to buy an echo for new house. any suggestions?
  • I specify my LAN DNS servers (2 pihole instances, main + a backup for redundancy) in my routers DHCP settings, so they are the DNS servers handed out to all LAN clients; then I have an iptables rule on the router blocking all port 53 traffic from leaving the network unless it came from those LAN DNS servers. This means only the piholes can reach external dns; everything else is required to use the LAN DNS servers or receive no response. Then the piholes have full control over what can and cannot resolve to an IP.

    I haven't found a device that doesn't work with this setup. I used to have a couple google homes before I wised up, they worked fine behind this setup.

  • Fan-made PS2 advert by Shy Smith
  • The PS2 is one of those consoles that had fairly bizarre hardware architecture compared to say, a PC for example.

    Developers took a few years to figure out the hardware and really learn how to take advantage of it. They didn't get much or any pre-release dev time, so they were learning how to use it while gamers were just getting their hands on it. Thus, the better titles came later in the consoles life.

  • CrowdStrike IT outage affected 8.5 million Windows devices, Microsoft says
  • Terms which should be void as this update was pushed to systems that explicitly disabled automatic updates.

    Companies were literally raped by Crowdstrike.

    /edit Sauce (bottom paragraph)

  • CrowdStrike’s faulty update crashed 8.5 million Windows devices, says Microsoft
  • I'm getting real sick of companies acting like rapists and society just accepting it, if not justifying it for them.

    No means no. Plain and simple.

  • CrowdStrike’s faulty update crashed 8.5 million Windows devices, says Microsoft
  • As if the borked update wasn't bad enough, it was also forced on users that explicitly said not to install it.

    CrowdStrike’s channel file updates were pushed to computers regardless of any settings meant to prevent such automatic updates

  • What are wheelchair-bound people to do when a building alarm disables elevators?
  • There's not exactly a whole lot of options...

    They shelter in designated spaces built to withstand fire longer, typically stairwells, and fire departments rescue them.

  • Weird behavior with youtube links
  • Same, but English. (Canada)

  • Ronald lies to children
  • They fired retired the clown years ago.

    Can't blame him for their monstrous actions now...

  • App crashing

    I've noticed with the last 2-3 versions of the app (currently 0.0.69, nice); the app crashes 2/3rds of the time when returning to it from being in the background.

    Open the app, switch to another app, switch back a couple min later and it closes then reopens as if you'd just started it for the first time today (losing whatever post you had open).

    Curious if others are experiencing this?

    Android 14, One UI 6.1




    Over 8 years using (re)vanced and I've finally gotten my first playback issue:

    All roads videos lead here:


    Honestly I'm surprised it took this long. The only other issue I've ever seen (between revanced and the original vanced app) is the watch history not saving a couple weeks back.


    Prevent Radarr managing anything except video files?

    When a file is manually replaced, for example after converting from an mp4 to an mkv; radarr decides to delete everything in that movies folder: posters, backdrops, subtitles, NFO files, leaving only the new video file; even though none of these were created or managed by Radarr ever.

    This causes Emby to have to rescan/reidentify the item, re-downloading all the extra data, and it's now lost all custom metadata that was stored in the nfo, particularly the original date added to emby and it now has no subtitles.

    How can I prevent this?


    Whats this '1' + down arrow icon?

    I've started noticing this icon more and more: usually on comments with no downvotes. What's it mean?



    What are your favorite tools for monitoring Linux and individual docker containers?

    CPU/GPU/RAM/Disk usage, logs, errors, network usage, overall status, etc

    What do you use/prefer?

    Mainly looking for self-hosted web based tools, stuff I can view from a browser; but desktop and CLI apps are welcome too :)


    Bitwarden master password and public server auth

    I have what may be a stupid question...

    How is it your master password is both used to decrypt your vault and used to authenticate with bitwardens public servers to acquire a copy of your vault/view it in the web app, but bitwarden can't use that password entry to decrypt the vault themselves?

    (please correct me if I'm misunderstanding, as I use self-hosted vaultwarden for my server instead of the public ones)


    SquareSpace dropping the ball.

    After almost a year of repeated emails stating the transition from Google Domains will have no effect on customers, no action is required; I just got this email:

    > Update Dynamic DNS records Hi there, As previously communicated, Squarespace has purchased all domain name registrations and related customer accounts from Google Domains. Customers are in the process of being moved to Squarespace Domains, but before we migrate your domain [redacted] we wanted to inform you that a feature you use, Dynamic DNS (DDNS), will not be supported by Squarespace.

    So apparently SquareSpace will be entirely useless to me and I've got "as soon as 30 days" to move.

    Got any suggestions for good registrars to migrate to?

    (it's a .pw domain if that matters)

    /edit. I'm a moron.

    I already use cloudflare as my name server, Google/SquareSpace only handles the registration.

    I'll be fine. Thanks for the help everyone!

    Self-Hosted Main Darkassassin07

    Paperless-ngx behind nginx? I'm lost.

    -post won't delete, so redacted instead-

    0 Support / Questions Darkassassin07

    Anyone else locked out of Jerboa?

    Got 'invalid login' when viewing my profile after the lemmy update, logged out, re-setup 2fa using a browser and now Jerboa crashes when pressing the 'login' button after entering my details.

    Disabled 2fa and still the same results.

    Consistently crashing in the same spot every time I try.

    Switched to Boost for this post.

    Self-Hosted Main Darkassassin07

    Can you recommend a good Docker tutorial?

    I've got docker installed and I've got a single container running (vaultwarden) via the docker pull/docker run commands provided on its Github page. I'm not sure how to learn more about that container or how to build (compose?) others myself.

    I'd like to learn how to transition nginx and pihole to containers and network them together. I'd also like to add paperless-ngx to my setup.

    (note: I'm very new to Linux in general, mostly rpis, poking around with debian now)



    Does boost support 2 factor auth?

    I can't login: If i use the incorrect user+pass I get 'incorrect login' if I use the correct ones I get 'login failed'.

    There is no option to enter my required 2fa code...

    /edit switched apps then switched back and the 2fa field showed up but refused my code. Force stopped the app and got the same 'login failed' message switched apps again and back; now it shows all fields and finally logged me in correctly.

    Seems buggy af.


    Google -> SquareSpace?

    I've only ever had my domain registered via Google Domains (~7 years), mostly because it was cheap+convenient, and google already had my billing info. Google has however sold its domain registration services to SquareSpace and will soon be transitioning customers there.

    Not upset to be removing one more bit of google from my life, but I don't know much about SquareSpace and I'm not sure if I should just go with the transition to them or perhaps move to a different registrar... If I was to move, where too?

    Curious what others think about the situation and company.

    Are you a Google domains customer? What's your plan? Why?


    Why is text selection such a broken mess on so many websites? Why does this have to be such a hassle??

    Using Chrome, Firefox, Brave, Samsungs 'Internet' app, and every other browser I've used/tried on Android:

    I'll go to select some text on a page by long-pressing on it and it'll select the word I'm touching as well as expand that selection to a somewhat random amount of additional text (usually not following any structure such as selecting a whole sentence for example).

    I'll then go to adjust that selection by grabbing one of the two tabs on either end of it and the moment I do, the opposite tab jumps to a completely random spot on the page vastly expanding the selection, then the whole page scrolls to an entirely different section; Leaving me holding one end of the selection unable to see what was originally selected. I can't scroll to where I was, and If I let go and just click copy I've now copied 90%of the page to my clipboard.... Attempting to modify the selection any further yields the same lack of control and just makes things worse.

    This doesn't happen everywhere, but I get these results far far more often than a successful copy+paste. Like just now trying to copy an address from a local transit guide.

    I end up having to drop the paste into a notepad app, reselect the bit I actually wanted (if it even made it into the pile of garbage I was forced to grab) then delete the note once I'm done.

    This is fucking stupid and I hate it. Rant over. Thank you for listening.

    /edit: I don't have the power to pin a comment, but [email protected] has a great solution: Use the rectangle select tool in androids 'Edge Panel' (must be enabled in settings), then press the 'T' button to copy text from the area you've selected.


    Has anyone else found firefox absurdly slow on android?

    I'm not talking about an extra 10-15sec, but easily 2-3 full minutes (I've sat here with a timer checking) to load pages, sometimes not loading them at all. Particularly with login pages, but even just homepages.

    Dropbox, Cloudflare, Various companies forums, My bank, Google; each of these sites and more I've had firefox either not load at all, or take so long I've been able to copy the link into Chrome, do what I need there, then come back to Firefox still 'loading' a blank white page.

    I just don't understand. I want to migrate away from Chrome and use Firefox, but it's been unusably slow when it even loads anything at all.

    P.S. In the time I've taken to write this (~5min) plus the time to decide to post and find this community firefox has still not loaded my cloudflare dash... (typed in the address, waited a while, gave up and came here but left it open)

    /edit: I should note I have ublock installed, but I get the same results with it disabled most of the time.

    32 Support / Questions Darkassassin07

    Block an entire instance

    How do I block an entire instance?

    I'm getting really really sick of blocking dozens of communities from lemmynsfw every single day. It never ends ffs.

    If I want porn, I'll go looking for porn. It shouldn't be every third post in my feed.

    Honestly, how is anyone supposed to join Lemmy if they all just get flodded with mountains of porn??? I can't imagine anyone that's not already invested in being here wanting to join. (unless their looking for a pornhub alt I guess...)

    Not everything NSFW is porn and I'm not looking to remove non-porn so permanently hiding everything tagged NSFW isn't a solution.


    Bug: Comments indented in opposite order.

    When viewing individual comment trees, usually by opening a comment from my own history that has replies on it, or just clicking view context: the original comment is the furthest indented, with the replies indented one less, and further replies to those less indented still until the lowest level comment appears as the oc, but at the bottom of the list.

    Here's an example:



    Bug: Hyperlink touch region extends well beyond the green highlighted text.

    An example (text obfuscated as it's irrelevant):


    The entire area of this screenshot except the white text, post time, and space immediately between those two; opens one of the hyperlinks. (ie: all of the empty space to the right of the green links, all the way up to the edge of the screen, as well as the green text itself)

    I wouldn't expect or want empty space to open links, particularly if I'm trying to minimize/collapse a comment with questionable links in it.


    Incorrect post opening.

    I'm pretty frequently having a different post open than the one I click on in my feed. Usually opening a post that's not even on my screen or within a few posts in either direction; it seems to pick one at random.



    Collapsed comment trees re-expand

    When viewing comments and collapsing them; if you leave that view for any reason like creating/editing a comment or taping on a username, when you return to those comments they have all expanded again losing the place you've scrolled to.
