Today's "Christians" are absolutely KILLING Christianity because the kids see the dishonesty, blasphemy and hypocrisy - most young people want nothing to do with it, except those who see a free lunch in it.
Honestly, I was down with Christianity until college. I'm not Catholic, but I attended a Catholic University. I was raised Lutheran.
College was a really good experience for me. I got a good education, made friends, and had fun. I still have good feelings about the school.
However, the hypocrisy of the conservative Catholic leaders of the university, and their cowardice in the face of a calm discussion of issues, led me to see that the Christianity I was taught to believe, while overwhelmingly positive, was not lived by most people who claimed to be Christian.
I had similar experiences in Christian high school I was forced in to, and in discussions with my parents. It's pure blasphemy to have any intellectual discussions and not simply agree with what your leaders around you believe.
As I became an adult, it became clear to me that it was just an excuse for my narcissistic parents to not have to take responsibility for their actions.
"I'll have to answer to God when I die."
How convenient. So you'll never answer to those of us you wronged.
I'm not sure you've paid attention to such parts of its history as pornocracy, trade in indulgence papers, reformation wars, slave bibles with parts about slavery not being Christian censored out, church support for Hitler and Stalin, today's Vatican having best relationships with genocidal dictatorships (ones destroying Christian heritage at that), need I go on?
EDIT: That was about "today's".
Having said all that, being resilient to rotten authority and fighting against that is too part of Christianity as a religion.
I heard this kind of started happening in the 1940’s or so, but then there was a big resurgence of religion for some reason in the 50’s. I can only imagine where we’d be if that didn’t happen.