That's pretty misleading because it depends on what you mean by "the people". And the more complicated, less-emotionally satisfying reality is that both candidates were essentially chosen by different groups of "the people" in contested primary elections in 2016 and 2020. The system is inefficient and in fact designed to uphold the status quo, but still allows people to change it. And trying to change it by voting is a far more effective strategy than not participating and hoping the extremely status-quo biased corporate media somehow gives you attention and takes your side as a result.
67% of the US public want the government to call for a ceasefire.
That's it. Neither party will do it, therefore neither represents the people. Talk all you want about primaries or whatever, but the reality is that neither party represents the people on this.
That’s it. Neither party will do it, therefore neither represents the people.
Except that's not actually true. There's one party that's unanimously against a ceasefire, and one party that's split. If more people voted for the party that's partly for a ceasefire, maybe the pro-ceasefire side would get a majority in government. Problem is, of the people that want a ceasefire, very few vote or they protest vote instead of picking people who can actually move the needle.
It depends. If it's my house, and I live alone? I'll put myself out first. If my wife and cats are still in the house? I'm going to work on putting the house fire out first.
I'm a middle aged, white, het-, cis-male. I like guns--I like guns a lot--and I know the bible far, far better than almost all evangelicals. If Trump wins, I'll be fine. I can keep my mouth shut for four years--or however long he's alive, or his dynasty is in power--and at least get by. My friends that are LGBTQ+, non-white, are women of child-bearing age, or cant's reasonably pass as christian? They'll be fucked. So I'm not voting for me, I'm voting for them.
I appreciate your answer, just pointing out that it's hard to help others if you yourself are experiencing calamity, even potentially.
You may pass for the time being, but there will be a point where you need to say something or so something to protect one of those friends, and the facade falls.
Am I happy with Biden? Nope. But I'm definitely not voting for the cheatin' Cheeto, or anyone even tangentially related.
but there will be a point where you need to say something or so something to protect one of those friends, and the facade falls.
Hopefully; I sincerely hope that I can act when it's time, rather than being paralyzed by fear. But a lot of people are really good at not directly confronting abuse in a system, aren't they? How many people acted directly to prevent the murder of George Floyd, versus filming and yelling?