We just branched for Plasma 6.1 and released the beta, which means the window to add new features has now closed. But before it did, a ton of amazing stuff snuck in! Plasma 6.1 promises to be a lar…
System Settings’ Printers page now guides you through the process of installing the system-config-printer package to improve printer detection, if it wasn’t pre-installed by your distro (Mike Noe, Plasma 6.1. Link)
This is really good! It may still be needed for stuff like plasma-workspace-extras, the sddm kcm, the flatpak kcm etc?
It feels to me that it's looking to replace the Cut and Paste operations. This makes perfect sense for a tactile device, but I don't feel like Dolphin is tactile ready - other KDE apps like Index intend to cover that ground instead.
System Settings’ Background Services page is no longer actually visible in System Settings by default; everything here is an implementation detail
Sooo... will Plasma convert all these services to systemd services that can actually be disabled in a normal way?
That settings page was always only semi useful as the most important ones were missing. But disabling stuff like Orca, KDEConnect, accessibility, legacy adapters etc. should be possible.