Edit: I'm not actually opposed to watching movies with directors cuts. Just realized I love watching ridiculously long video essays about movies, but almost never watch directors commentaries. Not sure why, probably availability.
Also I heightened the phrasing for comedic purposes ;)
Idk what it is, but I love super long YouTube videos. Like 1-2 hours of commentary. But I don't really like sitting though a movie. I'm not entirely sure why that is. It's not like I watch YouTubers that scream and are hyperactive the whole time.
If I miss a part on commentary, I lose out on the video explanation. If I miss part of the movie, why the hell are these people trying to kill each other. Different levels of impact where rewinding just a few minutes and not going back to the beginning for exposition and reparsing it all back together.
I think for me the difference is that Hbomberguy wrote a script and talked for as long as it took to film it, or whatever, while the commentary on a film lasts as long as the film, plus or minus a bit. I don't much enjoy just watching someone's basically reaction video to the film
In the case of movies like the Star Wars sequels, because the directors and producers sniff their own farts and don't realize their movies are terrible.
Same, I do not feel this post at all. If you as a YouTuber can't do some good research and write a longform essay (like Lindsay Ellis), I will pick director and crew over any random youtuber.
That's basically trailers now a days. I'll watch a trailer of a movie to see what it's about and then after I know too much about the story that I don't want to sit through it