A new Calculus poll suggests that any gains made by the PM after Liz Truss's disastrous spell in charge have been wiped out, with Labour recording a 21 point lead as Tories turn on Rishi Sunak
I'm sure their solution will be to go more to the right. It is always is their answer. Which will keep harming them until a new Cameron comes round to try and detoxify them again.
If we had a better voting system, you wouldn't get these unstablely broad churches. We also have Parliaments always more reflective of voters wishes.
No. In simple terms, you use 'fewer' for things you can count, and 'less' for things you can't. For example, the Tories could win fewer than 100 seats, which would mean they would have less political influence than before.
The key thing is whether you can count it or not. If you remember that simple rule, you will make fewer grammatical mistakes and you will be less wrong.
yes it's frustrating they'll moan and moan but when it comes to voting they'll panic and vote for things to stay the same, although the government can only test the public so much
Do you really think they're going to try and hold an election in January 2025 at the last possible moment for a general election?
Traditional wisdom is that for the incumbent party, spring/summer is a better time to hold the election because people are generally happier with their lot in the warmer months, and are thus more likely to vote for the status quo. In January, everyone is broke after Christmas, and miserable from the cold, wet and dark, thus more likely to vote for a change of government. All the more so if energy prices continue to be sky-high.
Personally, I'd be surprised if it's more than a year until the election.
Traditionally true, but I think they see the writing on the wall. They are now just breaking as much stuff as they can in the time that they have, so they can try to blame Labour for the fallout. They can break more things with a few extra months.
They won't hold an election if they think they are going to lose either. They will wait until the tide turns. If it doesn't turn, they will wait until January '25.
Anything is better at this point, we just need to get rid of the clowns and hopefully the shakeup (it the tories become third or lower and not the opposition) will give us the opportunity to really change the country for the better
I think the ideal situation would be a Labour minority government, with the Lib Dems as king maker to force PR through.
Of course, anything would be better than the Tories, New labour was so much better than the last decade of austerity. But I really dont trust Starmer and his constant changing of position/swing rightward.
You'll never get a sensible answer from people who put down comments like this.
Starmer would clearly be better than Sunak, but to say so would be a fundamental issue because their tribalism prevents them from saying anything nice about anyone other than their chosen flavour of Labour.
I mean, he is calling him a Tory. Says everything really, can't be a Socialist unless you agree with me on every point.
A surge to the right, further populism and eroding economic credibility.
Their voting cohort are either pensionable and dropping off or disaffected Red wall areas needing credible alternative messaging to shift away from Tory 'easy solutions' (blame everything else). The former will become less relevant. The latter needs more work by labour to avoid them becoming recurring voters for the conservatives.
The small number of true neoliberal elite and foreign actors are finding their influence curtailing for now ... but for them it's a long game. Assuming labour do get in for a couple of terms, they'll need to use the second term for some fairly heavy reform (house of lords, rebalancing of public ownership of key utilities, full transparency on party and individual donations, limit on external jobs MPs take)
Seems like surges to either the left or the right are electoral suicide for parties. Didn't work so well for Labour in the past two elections. Hopefully a more central position gets them back into power.
alternative messaging to shift away from Tory 'easy solutions' (blame everything else).
Totally agree with this, they should listen to the messaging of, "blame the rich" / "blame the corporations" / "blame the non doms" / "blame private schools". That will totally bring people on board without being divisive. 😐.
Labour made cute noises about electoral reform during their conference in the summer. I haven't heard anything about this since. It's a shambles. They need to get behind AV instead of standing in it's way. Represent the whole of the UK more fairly and we might see some sensible politics in this country.
The Labour members were in favour of electoral reform but the Labour leadership won't back it unfortunately, especially not whilst they're staring down the barrel of a majority government.
Blair almost backed electoral reform until he got a stonking majority.