Tradition in the US is to resign. Last time we had a lot like this, Nixon wound up resigning because he didn't think he had the support in Congress to avoid conviction when impeached.
oh boy do I have a tower in paris to sell you. people are going to have to learn how to say no if they want to get rid of trump lol.
the whole point of these orders are to identify the people who have a back bone and get rid of them. following tradition is literally the worst stance to take in this situation.
Nixon wound up resigning because he didn’t think he had the support in Congress to avoid conviction when impeached.
And this part, quite literally is how we got Fox news...
Roger Ailes had said "if we had a friendly media then Nixon would never have had to resign." Now they have their fox, the propaganda flows and keeps Republicans from ever having to face consequences. The lies cover their actions and they never face proper pressure. :(
Do you mean as in civil dissobedience (so that the administration are forced to fire you or accept that you aren't going along with facism) or as in sneak ops sucking at your job to slow things down?
I like both ideas! I'm sure plenty do them as well, but maybe get less attention/coverage than high prifile resignations.
Mostly the 2nd one. I imagine just refusing openly as an individual will have about as much impact as just resigning, but if you can gum things up a bit? Maybe that adds up. I suppose another alternative is non-individualized refusal: a strike. Same theory as any strike applies: it’d be hard for them to fire all of us at once without shooting themselves in the foot. I suppose in either case though, this only really applies if the gov wants them actively doing something bad rather than just trying to gut the department.
Some people who have dignity for themselves, would rather serve their position honorably and be mistaken because they're human. They don't want to do their job poorly that directly violates their own work ethic and the duty they have sworn to uphold.
Resigning in this case is basically saying "I will not be told how to do my job because you don't understand how it works and I will not let you use my job as a means to play political theater".