I used to not until prime people who worked at the processing plant informed me of what goes on. Wash it, it's disgusting. Also clean off the gross white stuff and as much fat as you can. I leave the skin though. @
If you do want to wash raw meat, don't just stick it under running water in the sink, because that'll just splash raw meat juices all over your kitchen surfaces. Wash it in a bowl of water or something
Yeah proper cooking is obviously the best way to go, but if people are gonna insist on washing, might as well suggest a way to do it without turning their kitchen into a biohazard
I find it's best to use the orange hand cleaner, if you're leaving the skin on you can rub some of the grittiness underneath so you get more texture in every bite.
Dawn dish soap if you're American, Fairy if you're European. It's the best kind for getting off used engine oil, chicken grease, and other similar substances.