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That Europe is not ready for many future challenges.
25 7 ReplyNot sure if we're not ready to hear this. The whole world is not ready for many future challenges.
27 0 ReplyFor example?
16 1 ReplyExtraterrestrial warfare!
26 0 ReplyAccording to movies the aliens always attack the US anyway so I don't see a problem.
15 0 ReplyAnd the quantum flux plague of 2036
2 0 Reply
The great cheese shortage of 2026
15 0 ReplyOk, I'll stock up on it.
4 0 ReplyNot the cheese!
1 0 Reply
Refugee crisises far larger than the ones that have been tearing you apart for the last 15 years
5 4 ReplyThe inability to function under duress would be one
3 2 Reply
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