The Good Place! Just go in blind, and definitely push through it it's not too much of your thing, it's 4 seasons and the ending makes it absolutely worth it. Amazing show all around.
I lost interest on my first attempt and didn't watch it again until I got the "spoilers", so let me help you out:
The Good Place Ep2
They're not in the good place, they're actually all being tortured in hell and Eleanor convinces the head demon to let her improve herself so she can get into heaven.
The show always pretends it's going to repeat itself, but it never does (for longer than a joke montage).
Yeah I don't know why I said that ahah.
It's a great show, if you enjoyed what Michael Schur made so far (The Office, Parks and Recs, Brooklyn 99, etc.), you'll definitely enjoy it.
Without having read the other repllied in full: "The Good Place". If you are into phylosophy, just got in blind. Just watch it. Too many spoilers otherwise
I've been watching it for the first time for the past two weeks. Wish I had discovered it sooner, but reddit was obsessed with the show when it was new and it kind of turned me off from it. Stupid, I know, but reddit tends to love shows I hate (like The Office US and Fallout).
Glad I gave it a chance cause it's honestly one of the best shows I've ever seen. It's near the top of my list, next to Better Caul Saul.