It’s interesting how memes took on different meanings depending on the community you were in when you initially saw it. Some of them are pretty globally recognized, and others are more vague.
I wonder how older ones will transform in a decade or so.
Overly attatched girlfriend just looks like a cute girl. Meanwhile the little girl who burned down that house is going to college. Reminding you just how old you are.
Up-voted, but we only need oil at the moment because the oil industry keeps strangling baby competitors.
A quick, non-sourced search shows that Oil got 90-ish Billion (1) in government subsidies in 2020, while Solar got 7. Even if the numbers are 50% of actual, Renewables are not getting the help they need to become/stay viable.
(1): And that might be a waaaaay low-ball estimate: Yale said they got Trillions. Though that may be over several years.
Perhaps lobbyists could be the next class identified as extraneous.
Social media companies have been removing pro-Luigi content and people with big built up accounts are worried that too many violations of site standards could get their accounts killed.