Every year, billions of vehicles worldwide shed an estimated 6 million tons of tire fragments. These tiny flakes of plastic, generated by the wear and tear of normal driving, eventually accumulate in the soil, in rivers and lakes, and even in our food. Researchers in South China recently found tire-...
The inherent problem of any car at all is that people should never personally need a personal vehicle worth thousands to tens of thousands of dollars to buy milk and eggs.
Great idea! So long as the current safety laws for aviation are followed. That would disqualify most people from flying and dramatically reduce the number of personal vehicles in use.
Just need room temp super magnets so that the cars can "float" at a particular level of the magnetosphere. Don't worry Mlon Eusk is about five minutes away from personally cracking that physics problem and will be selling cars utilizing it for generational debt tomorrow./s
do you genuinely imagine this working? like, you see what people are like driving cars on the ground, right? do you think people would actually manage to not get drunk and think it's a great idea to reenact 9/11?
honestly even that is significantly too high anywhere near where people live, what i'd go with is a default limit of 30km/h and a 60km/h limit on motorways, which should be constructed more like railways are: sparingly and with safe crossings (ideally grade-separated).
30km/h is enough to go a pretty generous distance in an acceptable amount of time, certainly enough for even the sprawliest urban areas, and the motorways extend how far you can go in an acceptable amount of time without significant downsides.
This is largely what the netherlands does and it works well.
the netherlands has extreme urban sprawl as most of the country is one urban area :3
but yeah sure in the US you can add another tier of motorsuperhighways (that idiotic name is mandatory so drivers know how it feels to bike in london) with a 100km/h speed limit, to be built even more sparingly.
No chance Louis XVI would have given the people of France a decent standard of living either. Things change when enough people can no longer tolerate how they are or how they are going.