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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 17
Comments 264
The lawsuit accusing Trump of raping a 13-year-old girl, explained
  • Why isn't this all over prime time news, including fox, so the christian voters can see it.

    More importantly why aren't the democrats and liberal establishment forcing this into the public eye. They could be using this to their advantage. Why aren't we hearing about it as loudly as we should be. I'm not seeing it any where mainstream.

    Fuck, biden should give a press announcement only for this.

  • Project 2025 Architect Signals Bloodshed If Left Opposes Trump-Led 'Revolution'
  • Either, you're a hopeful optimist, which is misplaced. Or, you believe in some version of "karma", in which case you're simply superstitious, which is an even worse way of thinking. Bad people do bad things and get away with it without any accountability all the time.

  • Pentagon Confirms Ongoing Collaboration with Five Eyes Allies on UAP Investigations — Liberation Times | Reimagining Old News

    The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)  has confirmed to Liberation Times that the United States and its allies within Five Eyes (FVEY) continue to discuss “areas of mutual interest and concern related to UAP”.

    Pentagon Confirms Ongoing Collaboration with Five Eyes Allies on UAP Investigations — Liberation Times | Reimagining Old News

    Jori - shadow of the erdtree

    This DLC is absolutely amazing. Might even be better than the base game.

    That being said, Jori is killing me. I can't barely get him down to 50%. Using my mimic tear of course. Without giving too much info on my build, most bosses so far haven't been bad. Renalla was hardest so far but only took 5-10 tries. I want this last map and must get through Jori to get it.

    Harder than malenia imo.

    I'm over leveled- in the 450s. NG+3 or 4.

    Any recommendations on Jori?? Help!

    I'm on XSX.


    > Harder than malenia imo

    I'm an idiot.


    Group of scientists and researchers seeks access to Vatican archives on the UFO phenomenon Grupo de cientistas e pesquisadores busca acesso aos arquivos do Vaticano sobre o fenômeno UFO

    O grupo de cientistas e pesquisadores acredita que, entre os 80 quilômetros de prateleiras que contêm de tudo, desde notas papais manuscritas até missivas presidenciais, haja também muitas informações relevantes sobre o fenômeno UFO.

    Grupo de cientistas e pesquisadores busca acesso aos arquivos do Vaticano sobre o fenômeno UFO

    The group of scientists and researchers believes that, among the 80 kilometers of shelves that contain everything from handwritten papal notes to presidential missives, there is also a lot of relevant information about the UFO phenomenon.

    3 SEC Poised to Seek Enforcement Action Barring Elon Musk From Holding Executive Positions

    The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is likely to seek enforcement action that could bar Elon Musk from serving as

    SEC Poised to Seek Enforcement Action Barring Elon Musk From Holding Executive Positions
    29 UFOs soar from taboo to presidential: 'Time has come to inject UAPs into the ... elections,' institute says

    The New Paradigm Institute started a social media campaign using #DisclosureDebate to convince moderators of presidential debates to ask about UFOs.

    UFOs soar from taboo to presidential: 'Time has come to inject UAPs into the ... elections,' institute says
    9 UK’s top UFO expert shares one major fallout from finding aliens

    If – or when – it happens, there will be major consequences.

    UK’s top UFO expert shares one major fallout from finding aliens

    > The discovery of alien life could turbocharge religious division and hatred, the UK’s leading UFO expert has warned.

    I think this idea is pretty legitimate. People in first world societies, with generally decent minimal education, will mostly be ok, maybe. We forget that a majority of the 8 billion people on the planet live in 3rd world conditions, significantly less or no education, and lots of severe religious indoctrination. There are still countries that execute people for apostasy.

    We're not certain it would be all bad, but it's not a topic to dismiss. The possibility of societal disruption due to real disclosure resulting in any disruption to say, the economy, for whatever reasons, could be a reason the powers that be don't want to disclose. Maybe the risk is too great in their view. Just speculating obviously.


    Admiral Tim Gallaudet - Underwater Alien Base, UFO Psyops and Weather Weapons | SRS #113

    I haven't watched yet and dont know anything about Shawn Ryan, but this might be worth checking out for 2.5hrs of Tim Gallaudet.

    0 US prisoners are being assigned dangerous jobs. But what happens if they are hurt or killed?

    An Associated Press investigation into prison labor in the United States found that prisoners who are hurt or killed on the job are often being denied the rights and protections offered to other American workers.

    US prisoners are being assigned dangerous jobs. But what happens if they are hurt or killed?
    9 Top senators believe the US secretly recovered UFOs

    Has the U.S. government secretly retrieved exotic craft of “non-human” origin? Newly declassified documents, along with extraordinary legislation, illustrate how two successive …

    Top senators believe the US secretly recovered UFOs
    48 Rep. Tim Burchett on UFOs: ‘Yeah, I think there’s a cover up’

    Following a classified briefing on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs), more commonly known as UFOs, Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.) suggested Wednesday that the U.S. government may be intentionall…

    Rep. Tim Burchett on UFOs: ‘Yeah, I think there’s a cover up’

    Saw this on reddit. I still remain kind of skeptical but think all this is really interesting.

    His comment that he has conversations where they're all saying the public "can't handle" whatever it is, is something I think about a lot.

    With my cynacism i feel that we, the public, kind of are just cattle to the elites and super wealthy. Our purpose is to work and to buy stuff, which is the foundation to their wealth and power. Much better to keep us as dumb and ignorant as possible. Such a huge portion of the public is obsessed with celebrity gossip, sports, religious nonsense, etc.

    A full disclosure that intelligent alien species exist and are here, would either be painful and debilitating to a large portion of people (fundamentalist religious people, the world over), or change other people to start thinking at a higher level other than just celebrity and sports shit, or how to get money to buy the next new gadget or token of status.

    If people start thinking, we've been being lied to by those in power, what else is there? Why does Kim Kardashian deserve to be a billionaire, when millions of children die of starvation every year? Why does someone have to work 40hrs a week in a factory doing manual labor that could be easily automated by AI or robotics (because it's cheaper for the human to do it), etc., etc.

    My comment might be tangent from the UFO topic, but it's what I think of why they don't want to disclose, or at least a possibility.

    8 Retired Rear Admiral And Former Agency Chief Calls For Expanded UFO Investigation And Greater White House Involvement — Liberation Times | Reimagining Old News

    In an interview with Liberation Times, retired Rear Admiral and former Acting Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Tim Gallaudet, underscored the potential threat of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) to submariners.

    Retired Rear Admiral And Former Agency Chief Calls For Expanded UFO Investigation And Greater White House Involvement  — Liberation Times | Reimagining Old News
    3 Former Obama adviser: Kushner engaged in ‘level of corruption that we’ve just never seen’ with foreign relations

    Editor’s note: This report has been updated to clarify the Saudi sovereign’s advisory panel position on giving funds to Jared Kushner’s firm. Former Obama deputy national security adviser Ben…

    Former Obama adviser: Kushner engaged in ‘level of corruption that we’ve just never seen’ with foreign relations

    French press method

    Longer French press method I saw on YT and tried just for the hell of it.

    It worked great! Like really great. Wanted to share as I was surprised. Also wonder if FP fans were already aware of this.


    "Open in app" for every single internet link.

    On android, I use duckduckgo app for web searching. I've been using voyager for a few weeks now and like it. Since yesterday, every single link I click on when doing a ddg search, the "open in app" banner pops up saying it can open in voyager.

    I cant find a way to disable this. Anyone noticing the same thing, or know how to completely disable it for voyager only?

    It's annoying enough that if there's no solution I'll have to uninstall and find another lemmy app.
