Wyoming: capital is in the small area of useful farmland, as opposed to non-arable mountains. Also close to Colorado, which has a lot more useful farmland and general economic activity.
Nebraska and Kansas: capital is close to the Missouri River, where a lot of trade occurs.
Virginia: capital is close to DC. not where this map indicates.
Florida: ??? I guess it's just generally closer to the mainland.
Alaska: Capital is far south for the relatively tropical climate.
I'm trying to understand where OP thinks Richmond is located. Potshot, but that looks like it would be near dhalgren VA which is nowhere near the capital.
I'd also argue it's close ish to the capital. More central ish while still being near one of our major rivers source: I live in Virginia.
It's weird how many people have no idea where richmond is. I live in virginia and haven't met anyone who thinks it's where this map shows, but I have met multiple people who insist it's in northern virginia by fairfax until you show them a map. And to make matters worse they all actually live fairly close to richmond but just don't know they do
I find this so hard to believe. Like how does anyone live in Virginia and not know where Richmond is? I-95 literally runs through the city cutting it in half. If you can find the interstate you will find Richmond. Source: born and bred Richmonder.
I genuinely have no idea, one of them actually got in an argument with another one of my friends about it and started claiming that the map must be mislabeled because richmond couldn't possibly be south of where we were
I think it is because people know that a ton of fighting happened between Washington and Virginia during the Civil War, and the area became infamous for the chaotic fighting between both cities. The map seems to have Richmond located on Williamsburg, which isn't right, but Richmond isn't very far from there
The ports of Pensecola and St Augustine served as the capitals of East and West Florida territories in the years before Florida became a unified state. The delegations trying to unify Florida got tired traveling all the way to and from each capital so they met in the middle at the site of a destroyed Apalachee settlement (courtesy of Andrew Jackson a few years earlier) and threw up a crude government building