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What are some eras of gaming that you've stopped feeling nostalgic for?

As I've gotten older as a player, I have found myself dropping some eras of gaming that I used to be nostalgic for. One of them is the 8-bit era, the NES days. I have played some of the best that system had to offer and I will never say that system didn't have any good games.

I've just fallen out of fashion with it because maybe it's in part that nearly all of the video game-based content I watch and find, tend to orbit a little around 8-bit too much. Most of the time it's because content creators were born in that era and no arguments can be made.

But I've grown exhausted from the oversaturation and sometimes over-glorified favoritism of 8-bit that I just have difficulty revisiting again. I've forgotten to mention how many indie games lean hard on the 8-bit aesthetic.

Another era of gaming that I am also finding myself falling out of favor for is 16 bit. This applies to consoles more than anything that was made in 16 bit. Having a hard time revisiting that era for some of the same reasons.

I'm more of a 6th Gen/Arcade player type.


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  • For me it's the NES and N64. While they both have some great games to be sure, I feel that a lot of the games outside of their top 10 simply don't hold up very well today. These systems were both limited by technical issues and were in eras when developers were still learning what makes a good 2d or 3d game.

    • I agree on the N64, and the problem with it is that everyone is nostalgic for "the system," but in reality they're only nostalgic for Mario 64, Goldeneye, Conker, Mario Kart, Ocarina of Time, Banjo-Kazooie, Smash Bros., and Perfect Dark. It's not that the N64 has a top ten, it's that it basically only had ten good games total. And bangers though they may have been, everything else on it was crap.

      I'm sure two or three people will pop out of the woodwork now to argue with me and insist that no, back in the day they really did love WCW Mayhem or 1080 Snowboarding or the butchered piece of shit version of THPS or Chef's Luv Shack or whatever the fuck, but that's the thing: It's always back in the day, when you were a kid and only owned four cartridges, and you didn't know any better because that's all you had. Nobody goes back to play any of the remaining 378 games now.

      • Woodwork dweller here, you seem to have forgotten:

        Majora's Mask

        Star Fox 64

        Jet Force Gemini

        Donkey Kong 64

        Diddy Kong Racing

        Excite Bike 64

        Paper Mario

        Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door

        Pokémon Stadium

        Yoshi's Story

        Pokémon Snap

        Mario Party

        Felt at the time that there was always a high quality "AAA" release on the horizon interspersed with some of the greatest games ever made. Many of the gameplay techniques these games pioneered during the transition from 2D to 3D are still used to this day.

        Obviously a lot of them don't stand the test of time a quarter of a century on but we haven't had a system with the same consistent quality of games for a long time, if ever, IMO.

      • There were more than 10 great games on the N64, but you have to put yourself in the context of the late 90s. You excused the horrible controller designed for humans with 3 hands, because you got to play some amazing games, many designed to be played in four player multiplayer. Even if PS1 supported the feature, it may as well not have, since it was rare and required a peripheral no one had. Tony Hawk may have been butchered in some ways, but it wasn't butchered in the way that every PS1 game without pre-rendered backgrounds was butchered; even at the time, some of us couldn't stand that floating point rounding problem that made every 3D environment on the PS1 look like you were looking at it under water. I probably had 30 N64 games back in the day, and maybe history doesn't make as much note about Bomberman 64, Dr. Mario 64, or Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball, but there was nothing like it at the time.

      • I think I could name 20 legitimately great games that came out for the N64...and that is about it.

        You know the NES and SNES minis they released that were basically ARM-powered emulator boxes in nostalgic shells with actually pretty good replica controllers? There was a lot of discussion around what games should have been included that weren't. Like, "Here's 25 MORE games that should have been on it." and a lot of them were third party titles from Squaresoft, Enix, Quintet, Capcom etc. that people think of as iconic to the platform but Nintendo couldn't wangle the rights for.

        Those same discussions often drifted to a hypothetical N64 mini and what list of 25 games it should include and a lot of people struggled to finish that list. Especially if you rule out a lot of the third party publishers and basically go with Nintendo and Rare, which I would add Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo-Tooie, Majora's Mask and Star Fox 64 to your list there and that's basically it. You'd have to start putting things like Pilot Wings 64 on it. No Extreme-G, no 1080 Snowboarding, no Cruisin' USA, and you'd never get the license for Shadows of the Empire or...whichever Mortal Kombat the system got.

        I did once hear a theory as to why the N64 is publicly beloved in a way the Playstation isn't, it's because the kids who had an N64 all basically had the same library of games, we can ALL hum the song in Dire Dire Docks or Kokiri Forest. There was a huge library for the Playstation so the kids who had that system don't all have the same memories.

        • Can you list 20 great first party games on any platform?

          • I'm pretty sure I couldn't with Sony because I don't think I could name a single first-party game from Sony.

            Microsoft is a tricky one because of how many studios they've bought, and I'm not sure how many platforms the PC counts as (at least three: DOS, the DOS-based Windows era and the Windows NT era.

            I cannot for the Steam Deck because I'm not sure Valve has made a total of 25 games.

            I'm not as familiar with Sega as I am Nintendo but they were and still are a developer in addition to the platform owner.

            Atari is not impossible; it's probably possible to come up with a list of 25 first party titles that were considered great that were published for the 2600 or for their 8-bit computers.

            If I'm going to give it a go, I think I'd go for Nintendo on either the NES or SNES, though for the SNES I think I would have to ask if I'm allowed to count titles made by Rare and I bet someone would clap back if I included Super Mario All Stars.

            • I agree, not common, which is why I don't understand the "only 20 or so great games" take.

              • Here's the difference:

                On the Super Nintendo, I can name 20 great, all-time classic games if restricted to first and second party titles, so made by Nintendo and Rare. If you open me up to 3rd party titles I can probably come up with 100 all time classics like Lufia or Desert Strike.

                On the N64, I'm going to struggle to make it to 20 all-time classics if restricted to first and second party titles, and I might make it to 25 if you let me have the whole catalog. Of the remaining 350+ games made for the system, some of them were unfinished garbage like Superman 64, some of them were badly designed crap like Quest 64, and a lot of them were competent but not memorable things like Extreme-G or The New Tetris, competently made and legitimately fun games we played, finished, put away and forgot about forever.

                Us N64 owners tend to have very similar memories of the platform. There aren't many hidden gems to rediscover.

                • Oh right I see it's like a quality vs quantity thing. To me I'd pick quality (as that is what triggers my nostalgia).

                  If I want quantity there are thousands of modern indie games I'd rather play.

                  • Bringing up the topic of nostalgia, I think there are two audiences to talk to here: Those who had those old systems at the time they were relevant and those who weren't.

                    I mentioned the game Extreme-G. That was a personal favorite of mine. I occasionally set up an old CRT and my old N64 and during my nostalgia trip Extreme-G and Extreme-G 2 both spend some time running. Just hearing the British cyberpunk announcer chick say "mull tee pull miss aisle" makes 25 year old neurons fire. And I also fully acknowledge that it was an above average 8.1/10 game, that it's basically Mario Kart hosed down with Axe body spray, the Forsaken brand of 90's drum & bass cyberpunk is a bit passe these days, and despite the very fast graphics kids these days are going to look at it and go "...okay. Pretty low resolution, isn't it?"

                    And from that perspective, I don't think the N64 aged well at all. Even Ocarina of Time, hailed for over a decade as the greatest video game ever aging like a potato. It kept for a long time but it's starting to show wrinkles and is distressingly wet on the bottom.

                    On c/[email protected] or however you do that on Lemmy I answered the question "Was Wizardry a good series?" with "Was. Yes." Because Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord was 1981. You just couldn't get computer entertainment like that in the Carter administration. Not sure how well it holds up 43 years on.

      • There's a point here. The N64 too had a significantly lower count of games than the PS1. The PS1 had like three times larger the amount of games with 1,278 than N64. So there was a lot more options to pick and choose from. And there were definitely superior versions of some of the games listed.

        But it is sort of like the Genesis vs Super Nintendo comparison. People can list banger after banger off of the SNES library that it easily fills a Top 50 list, whereas people can list maybe 20 good Genesis games? So I do believe that's where a lot of the favoritism stems off from is that, Nintendo had to make their games good for the N64, least the first party titles. Everything else off of it were really more misses than hits, you probably had 10 underrated gems that people now talk about (and pretend they always were that when nobody had a clue back then).

    • Unlikely many of the games of the current gen will hold up in 25-30 years...

      Many of the first party games on those systems broke new ground and much of modern gaming wouldn't exist without them.