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ulterno ulterno

Disclaimer: I don't represent KDE in any interaction with this account. I am just freeloading off of the server.

Posts 5
Comments 466
I used to love Android but I want to move, and I don't know if it's the right thing.
  • Welcome to Linux for Mobile.
    The next generation OS for keeping your smartphone private and your conversations (kinda) secure.

    It's "next generation", because we probably won't have a good enough solution in the lifetime of the current generation's people.

  • Fuel
  • @[email protected].


    But then they also went ahead and put backlashes on both of them. That makes me unsure.
    Also, do your UIs not have the "Preview" and "view source" features?

  • Latest Verge article about their review of Asus ROG Ally X (and this is why gamers are preferring Steam Deck)
  • Linux distros are waay worse!
    They keep on advertising things like Desktop Environments and Window Managers and Display Managers and Printer Drivers!
    And they don't even go about it subtly, like, one at a time. A single ad contains a list of around 10 or so Graphical Environments and even after you select one, it keeps on showing you the other ads, because you, apparently, can install as many of those things at the same time as your have HDD space for. And then they keep advertising GRUB and systemd-boot! (Though I must give them credit for giving me the option of "No boot")

    And even after you have finished installing, it is not enough, because you have to see an ad of 2 Network Card drivers, both being different versions of the same, because why not ?!

    And turns out, everything that they give you in the package is actually third party! Meaning, stuff that has access to the lowest depths of your hardware, to stuff that you use to enter your bank details are all made by different people. So many people you have to put your trust into.

    And if that's not enough, the people who compile it and send it to you might be totally different people from those who made the code!! What kind of heresy is this?

    CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

  • Fuel
  • I see, so the confusion is about whether u/[email protected] intended the double eyebrow or they made a mistake with that and are being corrected for it.

    I thought they wanted the double eyebrow, because why would you put 2 if you only wanted one? And if you wanted the "quote" option, you would just not escape the leftmost ">".

    In case my above words are more confusing, Yes, it shows up as 2 sets of eyebrows for me too.
    I thought that's what the Thread Starter wanted.

    CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

  • Fuel
  • I don't get it.
    Are you replying to "Except fun fact…no." - u/[email protected]
    Or to my reply to it, that implies, maybe their renderer is non-standard and causing the backslashes to not work.

    \>\>:| --> >>:| works pretty well for me.

  • Unreal Engine supervisor at ModelFarm blasts 50% failure rate with Intel chips — company switching to AMD's Ryzen 9 9950X, praises single-threaded performance
  • I'm just waiting for it to be available here.

    Probably going to be a while, considering most people won't pay the extra price for it, with much cheaper brands being available.

  • Fuel
  • Maybe your renderer?

  • Fuel
  • >:|

  • Unreal Engine supervisor at ModelFarm blasts 50% failure rate with Intel chips — company switching to AMD's Ryzen 9 9950X, praises single-threaded performance
  • Guess, current management is just not doing well under pressure and asking for the wrong stuff from the engg's.

  • Unreal Engine supervisor at ModelFarm blasts 50% failure rate with Intel chips — company switching to AMD's Ryzen 9 9950X, praises single-threaded performance
  • I just went full AMD when I realised their Open Source effort to market share ratio (alright, there is no metric for OS effort, I just do it by the feels) is way ahead of Intel.

    A RISK-V based system is probably what comes over that.

  • same for menstrual cramps
  • I used to have frequent headaches as a child.
    Initially, I just took the medicine, but everytime, it returned with 2xamplitude after a day or so (probably when the effect wore off).
    Stopped taking the medicine after a few years.

    It was much later that I realised, headaches always have a root cause and the pain was just telling me - there's something much worse going on.

    Pain is your friend. Tells you when there is a problem and sometimes, even helps you know where.
    Had I taken painkillers for my broken toe, I probably would have broken it again... and again.

    CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

  • Dark oxygen made by deep sea 'batteries'
  • Could it be a new catalyst, that lets the process happen slowly over time, at lower voltages?

    More guesses after I read the thingy

  • Linux: winning... at what cost?
  • Just ran sudo pacman -Syu to see if I can get this new feature.

    Unfortunately, no kde related update and my current version doesn't have said feature.

  • Linux: winning... at what cost?
  • deleted by creator

  • Traveling this summer? Maybe don’t let the airport scan your face.
  • Yeah, because just adding high-res cameras is not good enough.
    They will need a good quality data transfer network with it and also have to use higher powered computers for data processing, to get whatever they want out of those videos.

    They might even have to pay *shriek* C++ devs to rewrite their Python prototype into a more efficient production code (and considering how hard it is to find devs that actually know what they are doing...).

  • Probably can't be any worse.
  • That's when you realise, the President was just the figurehead.
    What's gonna be done, is gonna be done.

    CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

  • It feels wrong
  • Call it WoWaWe

  • Fastest animal
  • Philosopher: Fast at what?

  • Stages of grief
  • Just wanted to put the point that Natrium salts are not the only salts.

  • "Selling a machine with proprietary software that links against an LGPLv3 library..." - post discussion

    I came across a stackexchange thread asking if system root access will be required to be given to the user.

    And the answer explaining the license and saying they needed to let the user be able to swap the libs on the system somehow.

    And because I just joined the community and can't comment there, here I am.

    I feel like, the seller doesn't really need to give root access to the user as long as they allow the user to copy said proprietary software on another system (and this act not be restricted by the license) and then do whatever they feel like, as long as the original system is immutated.

    Thoughts? ___

    CC BY-NC-SA 4.0


    sudo Make me a sandwich

    > Image: A more accurate rendition of the result when you sudo Make me a sandwich


    Final Image

    • Creator:
    • License:

    Sandwich stock image

    • Used in sudo_make_me_sandwich.png
      • Creator:
      • License:

    Base Comic

    • xkcd:

    Damnatory Arbitration

    cross-posted from:

    > > Image shows screenshot of XCOM2: War of The Chosen: Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Terms of Service, with an added Mandatory Arbitration clause in Section 15. > > Came back to the game after a year or so, just to see this: > > !Shows how to opt-out > > At least they let us disagree to the ToC. Not sure if I can play the game after that though, since I just exited after clicking the disagree button. > > Also, at least they show us the changes on the top, so we know what happened.


    Damnatory Arbitration

    > Image shows screenshot of XCOM2: War of The Chosen: Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. Terms of Service, with an added Mandatory Arbitration clause in Section 15.

    Came back to the game after a year or so, just to see this:

    !Shows how to opt-out

    At least they let us disagree to the ToC. Not sure if I can play the game after that though, since I just exited after clicking the disagree button.

    Also, at least they show us the changes on the top, so we know what happened.


    Can Tokodon connect to Lemmy server?

    Would it make sense to consider asking Tokodon to support connecting with Lemmy servers, or is there too big a difference between the APIs, requiring a separate application?
