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th0th_Q th0th_Q
Posts 7
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Vanity license plates th0th_Q

Once a Hoosier always a Hoosier

If you want to lurk on Reddit, you can use this web reader I built for myself when I got inspired by the Apollo app years ago
  • I love it! Thanks for the awesome work, I starred on GitHub :)

    This paired with a browser extension that can open or rewrite reddit links would be bitchin! Similar to the “open in Apollo” extension Christian made to open reddit links in the Apollo app.

  • Why do we call ourselves lemmings when lemmons is such a better name?
  • Lemmy’s actual mascot is a Lemming so far as I know.

  • Stream of Consciousness is my Coding Standard


    Stream of Consciousness is my Coding Standard

    AITA for asking a girl out while on a date with another girl?
  • I wouldn’t say asshole, maybe a bit tactless tho. But I totally understand why you did it, so no judgement here xD.

  • Everybody was kung-fu fighting

    Animemes th0th_Q

    Only the best


    No leave. Only stay.

    Which are you?
  • Side + Stomach. I wish I could sleep on my back.

    I’m most comfortable on my stomach, but usually fall asleep on my side. Nothing feels better than switching to my stomach after waking up before my alarm. Gets my spine nice and un-fucked.

  • What movie had a 3/10 concept and a 10/10 execution?
  • My brother and wife both suggest Sucker Punch.

    My brother also suggests a movie called “The Gift”

  • You know, I'm not sure about this whole fediverse thing
  • One account, IMO. It’d be too annoying to manage multiple accounts across various instances. But I’m sure some people will prefer it that way.

    But that’s one of the benefits of decentralized, federated services like this. You have some more freedom to choose how you want to interact with things. Hell, you could run your own instance and make an account there if you wanted. That way your account is truly YOURS

  • Does anyone else block AI tools like ChatGPT or Zoom notation extensions in their office network? Why or why not?
  • It’s blocked for us, because it’s a confidentiality and licensing liability.

    Confidentiality because prompt data can be used for training / review outside the company.

    Licensing because if it generates code and we use that code, it’s hypothetically possible that code is actually part of a codebase subject to a restrictive / “toxic” license that could get the company sued if not handled properly.

  • You know, I'm not sure about this whole fediverse thing
  • Right now Lemmy and the fediverse in general is suffering from an acute influx of new users, especially users who aren’t accustomed to how things are currently laid out.

    I’d say be patient, give it a little time, and communities will probably settle into “de facto” leaders so that things are easier to find. It’s happened on Reddit before where subreddits merge or split as it makes sense.

    I’m sure the same will happen with various communities or magazines in order to make usage a,d finding things easier.

  • Home Cured and Smoked Bacon
  • We have not. We opted for pork belly due to its higher meat content, since we both prefer meatier bacon. But I’d definitely like to give it a shot!

  • Exploit released for Cisco AnyConnect bug giving SYSTEM privileges
  • Jokes on them…even in the office I’d have to use VPN to connect to the networks I need access to 😏

  • Home Cured and Smoked Bacon
  • Sorry, that should say “until it probes 155 degrees” xD

  • Home Cured and Smoked Bacon
  • Np link since it’s a home recipe, but happy to share!

    1/3 Cup Brown Sugar 1/2 Cup Black Pepper 1/3 Cup Kosher Salt 3 Tablespoon Paprika 1 Tablespoon Garlic Powder 1.5 Teaspoon of pink curing salt

    We use these ratio per 5 lbs of pork belly.

    We cure the meat for 4 days in the fridge, and usually once or twice a day flip the meat / rustle the meat around in the cure.

    After 4 days we smoke the cured meat on a wood pellet smoker. We smoke it at 200-225 degrees Fahrenheit until it probes at 15g degrees Fahrenheit.

    From there it’s good to slice and fry / bake as you please. 😁

  • Home Cured and Smoked Bacon
