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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
Posts 12
Comments 134
Antivirus recomendations
  • Can you get a virus just for visiting a sketchy website?

    Also, some programs aren't available via my package manager (I use Fedora) so I have to add 3rd party repos. Is there a general security guide for linux?

    Thank you!

  • Why are all posts gone?

    Anyone knows what made all the posts disappear?

    Why Personal Cloud Storage is so bad on Linux?
  • I had a problem with Mega using Fedora. Trying to update from Fedora 37 to 38, I had a dependency problem with the Megasync app. I tried uninstalling but the problem persisted and I couldn't upgrade, so I had to make a clean install.

    Other than that, Mega and Syncthing worked perfect for me.

  • Hexbear Statement
  • I'm shocked by this post. And looking for a new instance.

    I wanted an instance that doesn't defederate based on ideology (except fascist instances) and of a generalist nature. I want to browse the wide fediverse from an instance where I'm allowed to be a socialist, but clearly is not the one for me.

    Any recommendations?

  • Latino Marxista
  • PCE (Partido Comunista de España) is not latino, is Spanish. Spain is part of Europe, not America.

    That pic is from 1936, the year that the Spanish Civil War started after a failed coup perpetrated by Franco and the fascists, backed by Hitler and Mussolini. After the fascists won the war, we experienced 40 years of dictatorship.

    One of the main political parties, Partido Popular (PP) was founded by former dictatorship politicians. In the last elections (past week) it was the party with more votes, but it isn't enough for them to form a government (they're trying to form a government with VOX, a extreme-right party).

    Franco's dictatorship "ended" in 1975, so is really recent. My parents fought against the dictatorship when they were young and some of their friends went to jail for being communists.

    If PP and VOX make it to the central government we're going back to that time. They already rule over some towns and regions and they're banning LGTB flags, women right organizations and everything that they deem as progressive.

  • Los tarifeños huyen del centro y se declaran ahogados por el turismo de borrachera

    El veto a las despedidas de soltero anunciado en 2016 nunca tuvo efecto y los visitantes guarros complican el acceso a la vivienda, la limpieza, el aparcamiento y, sobre todo, el descanso nocturno

    Los tarifeños huyen del centro y se declaran ahogados por el turismo de borrachera

    Festivales de verano

    Pues eso, habéis ido a algún festival de verano? Me refiero a los típicos de playa, como Alrumbo, Cabo de Plata, el Weekend, Juergas, etc.

    0 Hexbear Statement
  • So preemptively defederating from Meta (literally Evil Corp, that backed genocide and fascism) is not okey, but doing the same with communists is.

    I'm starting to get a feel of what Lemmy World really is.

  • Dungeon Synth necrxfagivs

    Castlesiege - The Council of Trees (2023) (Dungeon Synth)

    This album is so god damn good! Bless youtube for their recommendation system and fuck youtube for being part of evil google.


    Why did you chose GIS as a career?

    I'm curious why did you all chose GIS as a career, as is a "niche" field. It's widely used but not much people know about it.

    In my case I studied History & Geography and had to use GIS during one course. I really liked it and I also like to code, so I guessed GIS could be a career for me as I didn't want to be a teacher back then.

    I'm now finishing a GIS Maters and working as a GIS analyst, using python to automate routines. Is my first job in the field (started as an intern).


    ¿Os molesta que imiten nuestro acento?

    Básicamente el título, es bastante normal al conocer a alguien de Despeñaperros parriba que se intente hacer el "gracioso" imitando nuestra forma de hablar. Yo soy sevillano y he perdío la cuenta de la de veces q me han dicho "miarma" o "pisha" aunque no diga apenas la primera y la segunda sea de Cádiz.

    A mi no me hace ni puta gracia, la verdad. A ustedes?


    Random name as logged in

    When I open there's usually a random name in the top right corner instead of mine. The changes within a second or two and then I see my username. Anyone is experiencing this? And is this instance or software related?

    2 La manada de la orca Gladys ataca de nuevo a un velero en la costa de Barbate

    Dos personas han tenido que ser rescatadas por recibir ataques de estos animales en la embarcación en la que viajaban

    Gladys vive la lucha sigue

    0 Andalucía -

    Comunidâh d’andaluçê y andaluçâ en Lemmy. Pa diccutîh de tôh lô temâ relaçionaô con Andaluçía. Comunidad de andaluces y andaluzas en Lemmy. Para discutir todos los temas relacionados con Andalucía. Andalusian community in Lemmy. To discuss all issues related to Andalusia. AND | ESP | EN

    Andalucía -

    I created a community for all things Andalusian related.


    Welcome to this community

    Hi everyone! I noticed that there was not Andalusian community here, so I decided to create one.

    This is the first time I create or moderate a community, so any help is more than welcome!


    Best OS for a Map Server?

    I want to set GeoServer in a machine that will also be hosting a webpage (a web map) and a database (PostgreSQL with PostGIS). Map layers will be stored in the DB, published in Geoserver and served to the Web.

    I'm between Fedora Server and Ubuntu Server, I use Fedora Workstation as my daily drive, so I feel more leaned to Fedora Server. However I'm still new in the field and this will be my first time setting up a Server, so maybe Ubuntu has more documentation and thus more easy.

    Any suggestion?


    Plant clinic in Lemmy?

    Hi everyone! I'm a reddit refugee trying to find my old communities. I've been wondering if some of the other Plant subreddits are being created here. Mainly PlantClinic and HousePlantCircleJerk lol.

