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jawa21 jawa21
Posts 118
Comments 726
Loud sounds
  • Sand paper is a particularly bad problem. I don't necessarily have to hear it, just seeing someone use it will make me get away ASAP due to fear of hearing it.

  • Loud sounds
  • I have pretty bad misophonia. It's only really triggered by certain sounds (sand paper and chewing being the biggest offenders) but when it happens I literally go into fight or flight mode and freak the fuck out. I am a machinist by trade and needing to avoid sand paper at all costs really affects my life severely.

  • I am the 11am friend
  • 13 years of 2nd shift have permanently made me the 1pm friend.

  • Sex work is real work
  • I'm going with roflcopter on this one.

  • can we be all rich together?
  • Seemed fairly clear to me.

    In 1884,  meridian time personnel met in Washington to change Earth time. First words said was that only 1 day could be used on Earth to not change the 1 day bible. So they applied the 1 day  and  ignored  the  other  3 days.

  • FreeTube bug: videos don't load, player continuously flickers
  • Thanks for this! Usually when something weird like this happens, I'll just sigh, update the package and hope.

  • Performance Review [Mr. Lovenstein]
  • Yeah, it's a real thing at some companies.

  • FTC launches probe into 'surveillance pricing' that it says links cost to customer data
  • I drive about 15 miles out of my way for gas. There is an old bait shop + gas station. It takes about 10 minutes longer to fill up, but there are no cameras or ads, and I can get a tube of crickets while I am there.

  • Liam's Quest
  • That wiki is really cool to see! And, sadly, many may remember but will never have access too the CR specials. That's why I posted this. The whole thing is a very well crafted love song to a few friends that could be there. I'd pay real money to sit at a table with Liam as the DM.

  • Liam's Quest

    I'm posting this here because Geek and Sundry have de-listed the video and it is a brilliant example of how to run a one-shot. Also, Liam's DM style is enthralling to watch.

    Pickles and ice cream ain't gonna cut it
  • Yes, pickle flavored ice cream is real:

  • Then they get into an argument about what 'replicator' means.
  • Thank you! This will be a weeks long project because it has to be perfect

  • Then they get into an argument about what 'replicator' means.
  • I'm not gonna be satisfied until someone finds an actor that was in both Star Trek and AirWolf so I have an excuse to use the AirWolf theme during a space battle.

    Until then, using a toothpick to eject a warp core will work.

  • 100 OC Edits

    Alternate PeerTube lnk:

    I'd like to thank everyone. By my count this is my 100th Lemmy specific video edit (excluding some stuff I did on mobile quickly). This has crossed two accounts and nearly a year's worth of a journey.


    It's Time to March, as a Rule

    I'll be honest, I got tired of trying to find somewhere to post this that fits and didn't want to mod yet another community, so I did my penance and posted this as a rule. I'd also like to add that this is a bit of hyperbole.

    Vocal rehab exercises are bringing headaches. Any help?
  • I would definitely see some kind of professional if that's an option. At least see a doctor.

  • It's Time to March

    cross-posted from:

    > I had no idea where to post this. This edit took me way too long, though. I hear that Cheetos are full of oil and burn easily.

    It's Time to March [OC Edit]
  • I had no idea where else I could post this, and wanted to get it out there.

  • Don't watch this unless you're inebriated.

    The plot is ok. The actors feel forced. Spock's makeup is ridiculous. It was cool to see Rand in a promoted position. The idea of a Captain Sulu is cool. There are some nice CGI space scenes (which I think the entire budget went towards). Overall it is very mid, and that is only if you love Trek very much. Despite the names involved, this might have been the hardest to watch "pilot" I've ever seen. I'm sharing this because of the archival aspects in doing so. But, seriously, don't watch this without at least 2 beers and 2 tokes.

    Editing to add that we need Alana Sulu as portrayed by that actress. She's great.

    couldn't be me
  • The amount of hate I receive daily (verbal usually, sometimes physical - I've had rocks thrown at me during Atlanta Pride) let's me know that it isn't made up. It got to the point about 5 years ago that I stopped having a social life in exchange for safety, and I am someone that "passes" well.

    This is why voice training is so extremely important for trans people that can physically do it. Bigots tend to group up and absolutely will let you know that they hate you by doing everything from harassment to calling the cops to get you away from them if you get clocked.

    You have almost verbatim made the "not all men" argument and shown that you have no real idea about the issue you tried to address.

    Quite often trans people feel they have to showcase their sexuality, instead of just chilling and being cool with it like everyone else.

    What the actual fuck? This sounds like something you decided was true in your head with no actual evidence to support it. It is actually extremely offensive and generalized IMO.

  • I'd rather watch Emmisary Live
  • I feel that so hard. I've made some posts that I was legitimately proud of the work I did, but within seconds there are 2 downvotes.

  • I'd rather watch Emmisary Live
  • I'd rather watch Emissary Live

    I agree. So much more flair in that show.

  • Left Alone


    I'm Better As a Concept


    Trust me, I have an art degree


    M-5 TV Unplugged

    Alternate PeerTube link:


    Here on Voyager Isle

    Alternate Peertube link:

    Thanks to @[email protected] for the idea!

    I think I actually nailed this in one. I hope you all enjoy!


    One day, you just decide to sit in a rocking chair, listen to the rain and do this


    It's the Trek Balls (Watch out!)

    When two of my favorite things get memed together, I tend to put in some effort. Now with audio!

    Thanks to @[email protected] for the initial idea/ croossover.

    High Quality GIFS jawa21

    Cake Day

    cross-posted from:

    > Alternate PeerTube link:


    Cake Day

    Alternate PeerTube link:


    Hitting Creative Burnout

    Ever since I made this post, I have tried my best to follow through and "be the change you want to see." I've made a lot of mediocre stuff, some bad, and a few I am proud of in those 6 months. I have spent most of my free time trying to make new OC specific to Lemmy.

    However, I think that with the attempts to try to encourage others in this kind of creative endeavor, I have run out of steam. I will often sit down with a plan for a project, half finish it and then just delete it.

    I am a musician and have never experienced creative burnout there, despite having done that for most of my life so this is a new feeling to me. I picked up a new creative hobby and I feel burned out in less than a year.

    If anyone can offer some advice here, I would greatly appreciate it.

    High Quality GIFS jawa21

    Rules change. No longer OC only.

    When I made this community, I wanted it to be a place where gif makers and editors could show off their work. After a lot of thought, there is no reason that this community can't be that as well as a place to share HQ stuff. So, as long as the gif meets the requirements and the rules, go ham and credit when you can.

    Trans Voice Help jawa21

    Finding Your Female Voice - YouTube Playlist


    McCoy Was Right: Don't trust the transporter

    PeerTube link:

    I've been off learning the big girl editing stuff. Harder than it sounds.


    I just wanted the workflow, ok?


    Odd Wifi Issues specific to EverQuest (maybe udp)

    I know this is more of a general discussion community and not for tech support, but I'm at the end of my technical ability here and that is the primary game I play.

    I've been running the live version of EverQuest for months now. Yesterday, I encountered a really strange issue where if I connect to the game, DNS would completely fail. I've tried this over 2 distros: Garuda (Arch based) and Linux Mint. I've done a few 50+ gb Steam downloads as tests with no issues. However, as soon as I run the game for more than 10 minutes, DNS just completel drops until a full reboot (on both distros) which is really odd. It's only affecting the PC, which is what lead me to attempting to load up another distro and test things.

    I've changed DNS servers around on all but the router (which I unfortunately don't have ready access to). I know the software firewall rules are good. Is there a way to reliably see if for some reason the router is kicking me off if I use UDP packets (I know that EverQuest uses some)?

    During the DNS outage, I an use the same network on mobile without any kind of issue, which is what made me curious if this is a UDP issue since web browsing shouldn't be spraying those out.

    I'd be more than willing to provide any pastes of files etc. Also, if anyone has a way to kind of stress test my wifi hardware to see if that is the issue, it'd be really helpful.

    Editing to add: I've turned wifi power saving off and will continue to test. Odd that it would be turned on over 2 installs randomly, though (if it was ever off)

    Adding again. This may be happening when I swap to the dedicated GPU on the laptop. The odd thing is that it started yesterday. This is why I turned off wifi power saving, and it doesn't seem to have an effect.
