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ianovic69 ianovic69


Posts 33
Comments 475
England's largest onshore wind farm in Yorkshire 'would be catastrophic for nature'
  • They are literally swimming in cash, why the hell can't they pay off some NIMBYs and get them built somewhere sensible.

    I suppose the answer to that is they want renewable energy to fail so they can keep the oil money flowing.

    Anyone got anything to cheer me up?

  • Pixie and Brutus
  • I spent my day off with a cold in bed, during which I read every one of these.

    Thank you for posting, it helped a lot x

  • Renewable Energy 44.7% of EU Electricity Production in 2023 — Now #1!
  • And yet fossil fuels are still being funded globally by our taxes, corporate profits still increase, and the planet gets hotter.

  • Be honest... Are you a bad person?
  • Me neither!

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • Was that the first version Nexus 7? I had the refreshed version and it was my favourite bit of tech ever. I ran it for about 5 years until the screen and battery both died. I loved that thing.

  • [OC] Just getting into photography
  • Manual is great to learn about what's happening and why. Remember though, that once you have a good grasp of the technical aspects, you can then use that to make the camera do the work for you.

    Canon cameras are particularly good at this, as they have a unique way of controlling the relationships between parts of those aspects. See the /v settings on the mode dial.

    Once you have the camera doing stuff for you it starts to get out of the way and your mind becomes free of those distractions. Your photos will improve as a result.

  • [OC] Just getting into photography
  • As mentioned in other comments, you can use a more appropriate aperture here because f14 is too small and you'll suffer from diffraction as a result.

    The reason it's a problem, is similar to when you squint your eyes. The light gets spread more than is ideal and the image will have reduced sharpness.

    Ideally, you should try not to go beyond f11, as that's usually where most lenses will start to become effected.

    It's worth noting that despite this, if you need a small aperture then don't be afraid to use it. The reduction in sharpness won't really notice until you get to larger print sizes, such as 1 x 1.5 metres.

    Even then, it's much better to have a great photo without ultimate sharpness, than a super sharp photo that's boring or just bad. If you have the time, such as with non moving subjects, none of these things should happen. If your subject is moving, things get complicated quickly.

    Sorry to go on a bit, I just wanted to bring some context and info to the subject of diffraction, as it's an important one, but once you know the whys and wherefores it's easy be aware of and incorporate into your workflow.

  • [OC] Just getting into photography
  • A friendly warning, please be careful when suggesting the rule of 3rds, especially to the less experienced. It's greatly misunderstood and as a result it generally causes confusion and boring photos.

    Please see the article in this Lemmy post, about this and composition generally.


  • what is the biggest failure in human history?
  • No 0-60, you would die trying. Even 40 mi/h is over ambitious. Clearly, the 2CV was spawned by Satan to destroy our will to live. I see no other reason for that many sales.

  • what is the biggest failure in human history?
  • There were so many better options that I can't even grant you a nod in this direction.

    Nil points, yellow card, etc.

  • what is the biggest failure in human history?
  • If memory serves, I think at least some versions of the Allegro had reasonably comfy seats. I'm afraid that can't be said of the 2CV.

    Also, the use of a "double skin" body, dropped by almost every manufacturer a decade or so before the Allegro, is really just another amusing tidbit we can taunt it with.

    There absolutely nothing even faintly comic about the 2CV, it is an abhorrence at every level.

    But I'll grant you, the Allegro is definitely in the top 10.

  • what is the biggest failure in human history?
  • The Citroen 2CV.

    There are many cars that have something worse; three wheeled things, Tesla design, the Renault dash mounted gearstick, etc.

    But there is no other "modern" car which so significantly fails in every way as the 2CV.

    It has nothing that could be described as performance or ride or comfort. There is nothing about it that can be called practical or stylish. It has zero properties that any sane person could find desirable in a car.

    It's so bad that even the Trabant has less to damn it, and that really is terrible.

    I think the best evidence that the 2CV is man's biggest failure, should you really need any, is that you are more likely to see them in the country they were made, repurposed as a chicken coop.

    If that's not the ultimate failure, I don't know what is.

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • You're being way too pedantic. I said most home hifi and you're example isn't.

    If you want me to be more specific, this article will cover pretty much anything you want know.

  • Sorting comments
  • Wouldn't they still be catered for? The toggle can stay where it is, just have the default as an option in settings.

  • Sorting comments
  • I agree, just in the settings is fine for the default. I've wanted this since day one.

  • Farage urges Zelenskiy to seek Ukraine peace deal with Russia
  • I don't know about anyone else here, but I don't want to hear about his latest stunts and I particularly don't want to have to see his mug.

    Can we keep anything to do with him away from here and leave it in the political communities please?

  • What industry secret are you aware of that most people aren't?
  • Not really. Most home hifi won't be affected. I think that's a reasonable generalisation.

  • This seems updated since I first found it years ago.

    Please share it around, particularly to those more....set in their ways.



    This seems updated since I first found it years ago.

    Please share it around, particularly to those more....set in their ways.


    Sweet Graffiti and other acts of wholesome vandalism ianovic69

    Extinct piece.

    This and many others taken over the years around Digbeth, Birmingham UK, no longer exist.

    They usually stay for a good long while but eventually another event takes place and a new one goes up.

    They are almost never defaced but sometimes the locations become unavailable due to being demolished etc. It's all Victorian era and much is changing in the area, not least because of HS2.

    I have the usual online photo storage and I get those memory notifications, and sometimes they include one of these. If it's ok, I'd like to share them here for a kind of posterity. I would occasionally put them on Reddit but as I've found this place now I'd rather it be here.



    OnePlus 12R update just now received.

    About time!

    I haven't installed or tested in any way.

    6 10 Myths About the Rule of Thirds

    My name is Tavis Leaf Glover, and I’m an artist just like you, trying to create art that I can be proud of and share with the world. Though, something

    10 Myths About the Rule of Thirds

    After posting this article in response to the previous post about composition, I was asked if I had any other links.

    As a disclaimer, I don't necessarily endorse these but over the years I've taken from them the parts that resonated.

    Feel free to do the same and I hope you get as much from them as I have.

    Eric Kim

    More general Eric Kim.

    121 Clicks/Ian Plant

    A post by Andrew S. Gibson which talks about gesture and punctuation.

    Ken Rockwell gets a lot of stick but he's a great resource if you don't take him too seriously. His page on composition.

    I feel I'm missing some, I'll add them if I can find them.

    Techno ianovic69

    How do?

    I went to Luke Vibert's I Love Acid night at the Hare and Hounds in Kings Heath last weekend. Anyone else been? DJ Warp was absolutely excellent. Fantastic night out.


    The Electric: UK's oldest working cinema closing its doors. The Electric: UK's oldest working cinema closing its doors

    The much-loved venue is closing its doors for the foreseeable future, the BBC has learned.

    The Electric: UK's oldest working cinema closing its doors

    The destruction of our heritage continues. I went recently to watch Wicked Little Letters which was great.

    I've heard that they've pulled out of saving the pub on the corner recently as well.

    Rumours suggest the site will be levelled for a tower block.

    Oh well.


    Lemmy Federate - automatically federate Lemmy communities - lemy

    I know virtually nothing about the tech side of all this, but as an enthusiastic user this looks like the kind of thing I want to happen to the Fediverse.


    Some sanity at last....

    >Roy Keane added: "If I was in Arsenal's camp, you would be quietly confident you would be right there in the end.

    >"You can't get carried away. We see teams celebrating, yes do that, but you can't get too carried away."


    (Edit - it's over, for now.) Why are there so many cracked software spam posts in the last few days?

    I know spam posts have been around for a while but not like this.

    I'm in the Fediverse for the lack of advertising as much as anything else but this may as well be R****t.

    Apologies for the rant, please lmk if I'm missing something obvious.



    Hello celluloid fans!

    Skate park Solihull UK 2015 Yashica Electro 35 MC Portra 400

    Apologies for the low res scan.

    Hi, I was going through some old pics and this popped out at me. I've been posting the occasional old shot on one of the main photo communities on Lemmy, but for some reason I hadn't seen this one until now.

    So, greetings to you all and I look forward to seeing your work in my feed.

    Thanks for looking.


    0 Arsenal must oppose Super League for fans - Arteta

    Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta says "we have to look after" supporters as his club reject involvement in the European Super League.

    Arsenal must oppose Super League for fans - Arteta