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Fáilte go dtí mo phróifíl! Tá beagán Gaeilge agam, thosaigh mé á fhoghlaim ~6 mhí ó shin. Tá brón orm má dhéanaim botún!

Welcome to my profile! I'm just looking to have discussions about interests / hobbies.


I have migrated to

Posts 8
Comments 35
Here we like our coffee thick and strong.
  • I don't know what OP used here, but I once made rice this colour by cooking it in Butterfly Pea Flower tea.

  • Dev Insights: Season 22 Abilities and Armor Changes Preview
  • For sure, don't get me wrong; Suspend needed a nerf, and I'm glad this change gives Stasis some purpose again. Though I agree, the champion suspend nerf is really rough.

    RIP Strand Titans, following the nerf to Suspend + Thread of Mind. The whole post is kinda RIP Titans, actually.

  • Dev Insights: Season 22 Abilities and Armor Changes Preview
  • Strand getting even tankier with the buff to Sever now reducing outgoing target damage from 30% to 40%.

    Damage reduction with T10 Resil + Woven Mail + Sever will be 83% in S22. RDM + Strand Hunter melee spam build is looking even better. Shame about suspend though.

    Looking forward to those Wings of Sacred Dawn and Astrocyte changes for Warlock, too.

  • Cainteanna ⁊ Ceisteanna i mBéarla // Discussions + Questions in English
  • Hi there!

    I created this community (sublemmy?) to bring Irish speakers of the Fediverse together. At the time of posting, I have been learning Irish for just shy of 6 months, so I am far from fluent yet. Please feel free to let me know when I make a mistake, that's partly what this community is for!

    Hopefully this community will grow into one that can encourage and support learners from complete beginners to fluent Gaeilgeoirí!

  • Do you feel this place has gotten more.. reddit-y lately?
  • Ah, you're right, Connect is just for Android. Though I do remember hearing of an iOS Lemmy app that could block instances at a user level, but I'm sorry to say I don't remember the name.

    That being said, I fully agree with you on relying on instance admins to defederate / block instances. I prefer to have the agency to choose for myself what gets blocked / not blocked. Though I can't complain about my instance's decisions so far, thankfully.

    I hope you find something that works for you.

  • Do you feel this place has gotten more.. reddit-y lately?
  • You may already be comfortable with another app or the web version of Lemmy, but I recommend 'Connect for Lemmy' if you're looking for instance blocking. It allows you to block instances as a user.

  • 2FA Setup without Google
  • Thanks for the additional info! Thankfully, it worked in ProtonPass 1st try and gave legit 2FA codes, without needing to change any further settings.

    I was aware that some authenticators run into errors with Lemmy for one reason or another, but that was forunately not the case here.

  • 2FA Setup without Google
  • Ah, thank you so much! This worked perfectly!

  • 2FA Setup without Google

    Hey there, I already have 2 Factor Authentication for my account set up via Google Authenticator. I am trying to migrate to ProtonPass for 2FA, but whenever I click "2FA installation link" in my profile settings, it opens Google Authenticator with no other options available to set up 2FA.

    Does anyone know of a way I can set up 2FA without having to use Google? Any advice is appreciated, thanks!

    Google raising price of YouTube Premium to $13.99 per month
  • I do believe there is a fix for that, iirc you have to enable 'Spoof App Signature' under Settings > ReVanced > Misc.

    I think that's how I fixed it, but if not there are discussions on how to fix this issue over at the ReVanced subreddit.

  • DeArrow extension for YouTube that makes thumbnails bearable
  • I just wish there was something like this for ReVanced, it would be perfect. Hopefully one day!

  • test post
  • I see your post from

  • [MODDED, 1975] Blinky the Talking Police Car
  • I'm gonna assume it's 'awful taste and awful execution'. This is nightmare fuel that not even a Cars straight-to-DVD rip-off could top.

  • BotW / TotK UI Font

    First of all, apologies if this doesn't fit this community.

    See the link below for Calamity Sans (not owned or created by me), a font which aimed to recreate the UI font used in BotW.

    Calamity Sans

    I used to rely on a link in a Reddit thread for this font, but it seems the user deleted their comments as part of the recent protests. The only other source is a link to a Google Drive which requires permission to access and doesn't seem to be accessible for some time now.

    I hope people can find this via Google if they need it!

    Boost for Lemmy is happening!
  • Jerboa has been a really similar experience to Boost so far, compared to other Lemmy apps. However, Boost had some features I've been missing dearly, I'm so glad to hear this!

    I'll definitely use it when it releases!

  • Do you speak computer and human?
  • Guess I'm an outlier, compared to other commenters? I love languages, have learned French, Spanish and Latin, and currently learning Irish. Even a little of a language goes a long way to connecting with other people, be it family or strangers!

    But coding? I can never get into it, never really enjoyed it. I wish I could, the benefits are obvious, but it's just not for me!

  • Microsoft wants to move Windows fully to the cloud
  • I happened to have just made the switch to Linux Mint the other day. I'm glad I did, because this would have made me switch anyway.

    I imagine a lot of people will live with it. As well, Windows is used extensively by businesses, and their offices already require a constant internet connection to meaningfully function anyway.

  • [META] New or Returning Player? Welcome (Back) to Warframe!
  • Apologies for necroposting, but this seemed like the right place to ask. I am a returning player, after having not played in many years.

    However, when I log in, I haven't the first idea of what to do and my character is progressed enough that there are no walkthroughs / tutorials available to me.

    Is it possible to reset progress on my character, or start fresh without needing to create a new account entirely? Thanks for your help.

  • Dozenal Clock
  • I would love to see a change to either decimal or dozenal time! Though the time format we use now is just so well-established and for many, intuitive. Additionally, every country - or at least a vast majority - would need to adopt the change in time, or that would present even more issues (GPS, times zone travel, international meetings /zoom calls, etc.). Not impossible, but still a challenge.

    A feature of dozenal that I, too, appreciate is, as you say yourself, being divisible into both thirds and fourths of an hour neatly.

    Ah, maybe one day!

  • Dozenal Clock
  • This is really interesting! It reminds me of the time I was looking into (apologies if this is a little off-topic) the decimal clock, which broke the day into tenths. It was almost adopted in France a few hundred years ago, if I remember correctly.

    The advantage I can see in using the dozenal clock, however, is in expressing the time in dozenals (as in, as an analogue to decimals).

    For example, when using the standard notation; 20 mins would convert to 0.333... hours. However in dozenal, it would seem to convert to 0.4(I think?) Which is nicer to deal with than repeating numbers.

  • [TOTK] The Depths Discussion
  • I didn't know this about lynels being under stables. So I checked my map, as I had marked each lynel I encountered in the depths, and you're right! Each one is directly under a stable!

  • YouTube Experimenting with Anti-AdBlock
  • I've heard in another post on this topic that NewPipe scrapes the videos from YouTube, acting like a normal user, and presents you with the videos without ads. Supposedly, YouTube would find it very hard to block NewPipe's method as a result.

    I use ReVanced, so I'm not so sure how safe I am. May have to move to NewPipe if we end up affected by this.