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dr_scientist dr_scientist
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Just Watched Cloud Atlas (first time)
  • I confess, I had no idea what the film was about when I saw it in the theatre, but something about it compelled me to watch it again. And my controversial take is that the film's story is really quite clear. Even though, again, I no idea what it was about when I first saw it.

    It's about the effects of art. The stories are in no way disconnected, but all connected by a story, a work, a piece of music, etc. And each one carries forward, often in ways the author(s), inpirations, etc. had no way of understanding.

    I'm a writer of very little renown, but I use the film to keep going. Because even if you're not an artist, your life will have an effect in way you can't know. And I love that idea.

    Also, it was a crime that this film did not get any nominations for editing. It is, purely from a technical point of view, a masterclass. The beats of six separate stories cut together according to their lows and highs, and cutting away when you really want to know what's happening. If you don't like the film, that's entirely reasonable. But how it was put together is something to behold.

  • Stand together
  • I think that's a still from Green Room, a very good and very disturbing film with none other than Sir Patrick Stewart as a Nazi/replacement theory Svengali-type character. The joke being the band in the movie is booked unaware into a straight up nazi punk club, and end up singing that song. Things develop from there. I hope I got that right, but that's my memory.

    I didn't know he played in a real band. Cool beans!

  • Seared Tuna with Cumin Butter and a Corn/Tomato salad.

    Maybe should add some paprika to the butter to make it less brown, but tasted nice.

    Scientific Misconduct and Fraud: The Final Nail in Psychiatry’s Antidepressant Coffin
  • The other sources are

    Which cites the BMJ

    I thought this article explained the science better than the Psychiatric Times, so I used it. Lesson learned.

  • Scientific Misconduct and Fraud: The Final Nail in Psychiatry’s Antidepressant Coffin
  • I agree, the source is poor. But I thought the summary was better than the one offered here:

    Bruce E. Levine is just some guy. Not great. But the sources he cites made the case for me:

    I myself am and have been on psychotropics for years, don't know what I would do without them. Further, as noted, the the STAR*D approach drops from 67% to 35%, which means they do work for some. But reporting that high a rate when the numbers don't support it is information patients need. The original study seems very problematic with patients that dropped out assigned success rates, and the lack of a control group. I think the information is relevant.

  • Evidence that we have been living in an increasingly risk-averse culture
  • Dear Nitwit,

    A reduced faith in science might, hear me out here, ••might•• have something to do with science, ya know, killing the planet and what not. You wanna get some faith back? Maybe apply these new technologies to human happiness, or even, who knows human survival.

    One more thing, nimrod. The real risk averse culture? It ain't your unwashed "zero-sum thinking Millennials" No, it's your hyper capitalist who's rigged the system to the point where taking financial risk is erased by government bailouts. They're the ones who want to eliminate risk.

    And it's that, plus their increased control of what is and is not researched in practised science that leads to our dismay. See above: "planet dying" Imagine something like pencillin, developed entirely within an academic risky environment, getting made today.

    There's risk in true critical thinking, instead of lazy "Kids Today" hand-wringing. So, in future, take a fucking risk.

  • Brian Setzer on his lifelong love of Gretsch guitars
  • Had some trouble with the Guitar World site, so I'm posting the full text here. Big fan!

    Rockabilly king Brian Setzer talks about his lifelong love of Gretsch guitars and how his beloved Gretsch 6120 was usurped by a ‘Frankenstein’ Duo Jet on his latest album, The Devil Always Collects.

    How did you first become a Gretsch guy, and what keeps you one today?

    “Those things still bring me the most fun out of anything. Out of old motorcycles, old cars – it’s Gretsch guitars. I bought one [his 1959 orange 6120] in the late 1970s because I wanted to look like Eddie Cochran. I didn’t even know if they’d sound good.

    “Back then, no-one knew who Eddie Cochran was, so I found it in the local paper for 100 bucks. It’s such a special sound. People who play solidbody guitars don’t have this happen, but the sound comes out of the amplifier, it goes back through the guitar, so you can control how much sustain you want, how much feedback you want, and the whole thing shakes. You feel it. It’s the best thing in the world, for me.”

    We hear that you used a Duo Jet on your latest album, The Devil Always Collects?

    “I think the first song I wrote for [the album] was Rock Boys Rock. I wasn’t getting the sound I wanted out of the 6120; it just was not matching how frantic the song had become.

    “So I plugged in this Duo Jet I’ve got – it’s a Frankenstein: a ’57 [body], ’58 [neck] Duo Jet – and I just turned it up a little bit louder than I normally would. Jason [Orris, studio engineer] and I looked at each other and were like, ‘Oh gosh, that’s it!’

    “Little things like that inspire you to keep writing, to keep moving in a certain direction. On the last record it was this old reverb unit that got me to write songs. On this record it was the Duo Jet.”

    What’s the Duo Jet’s story?

    “I’ve had it for close to my entire life. I think it came from Canada originally, and it’s been worked on a lot; I’m not sure how much of a Duo Jet is really left in that guitar, really.

    “I used it on my first Rockabilly Riot album [2005], when I did all the Sun [Records] sessions covers, and it sounded great ’cos I wanted the old single-coil sound. But when I cranked it up a little more than I should this time, it became that kind of flange-monster thing.

    “What a great-sounding guitar! I don’t know what it is about it. It’s almost Telecaster-like but not as mellow. It’s got more twang to it. So I used it on most of the record, and this is my first record where I didn’t play the 6120 that much."

    The Devil Always Collects is available now on Surfdog Records.

  • Ancient Bread, How Did They Make It? Part I: Farmers!
  • It blows my mind how the history of "80-90%" of our ancient population remains unwritten. Thank you!

  • [Homemade] Artichoke Risotto
  • Yeah, I really got to start looking at photos before I post them. The picture does make it look a bit ... poop adjacent.

  • [Homemade] Artichoke Risotto

    Didn't have any stock around, so I improvised with a combination of port, malt flakes and fish sauce. Which made it very red and delicious!

    Flat lenses made of nanostructures transform tiny cameras and projectors
  • Great article, with lots of historical explanations on the theory of how these lenses work, and how optics works in general. Learned a bit today. Thanks!

  • Firefox slow to load YouTube? Just another front in Google's war on ad blockers
  • Is anyone else using type Firefox plug-ins to deal with this? I don't know if it's better for privacy, but I like the illusion of sticking it to the man. And the lack of ads.

  • France and six European states unite to authorise the spying on journalists (France et six états européens s'unissent de autoriser à espionner des journalistes)

    Disclose est un média et une ONG de journalisme d’investigation.

    Désolé pour le post en anglais, mais je ne suis pas arrivé à trouver un article en français. Probablement une coïncidence.

    2 Life for the Lowest Class in Ancient Pompeii? It Was Awful.

    Excavations in the ancient ruins have unearthed a cramped space where enslaved workers and donkeys performed their grueling tasks.

    Life for the Lowest Class in Ancient Pompeii? It Was Awful.

    Archive Link:

    Most Americans want to electrify their homes — if they can keep their gas stoves
  • Two things here. I was forced to go induction when I moved house about fifteen years ago, and I love it. It's just better than gas. I'm terrible at many things, but I'm a good cook, and I can say, there's nothing I can do - nothing - that isn't better on induction. Admittedly, not crazy about the waste of new things, but even so, worth it.

    Also, turns out, Big Natural Gas lied to you. It's dangerous (which the article states). This is a carrot and stick. I'm all electric, and working on solar soon.

  • In France, zero-waste experiments tackle a tough problem: People's habits
  • I think that's a great recommendation. I really admire your admission of not being anywhere near zero waste. Me neither! But it's better to do better than do nothing. The zero waste movement can get quite fanatical, which is a turn off. Especially if it's about shopping for things to be zero waste with.

    I don't do everything right, but I do bring my own bags. But it took years, and like any habit, and like you said, it's about feeling. I'd walk into a store, and it would start to feel weird if my hand is empty. If you forget to bring your bag today, bring it tomorrow. The feelings develop over time.

    I know because I've switched recently to getting my bread and croissants in a wax-cloth bag (instead of the throwaway papers). It's been about six months, and I get it right ... about half the time.

  • In France, zero-waste experiments tackle a tough problem: People's habits

    Local initiatives in Roubaix and Nouvelle-Aquitaine try different strategies for waste reduction — and behavior change.

    In France, zero-waste experiments tackle a tough problem: People's habits
    2 Renting: Can bidding wars be stopped?

    Intense competition for places to live is driving rents up and up, but is there hope for change?

    Renting: Can bidding wars be stopped?

    I had no idea this was going on.

    11 Greed trumps climate as Origin bid voted down by dividend hungry shareholders

    Brookfield’s bold bid for Origin Energy and its plans to spend $30 billion on new wind, solar and storage voted down by shareholders more interested in dividends than climate changes and gree…

    Greed trumps climate as Origin bid voted down by dividend hungry shareholders

    Just thought it was interesting to see the nuts and bolts of these decisions. Things can be Interesting and horrifying at the same time, I guess.


    Vietnam Relied on Environmentalists to Secure Billions. Then It Jailed Them.

    Original article here -


    Hannah Georgas - This Is Good

    Title track, wish it had been the single!

    Bandcamp Link:

    Invidious Link:

    Backup Invidious Link:

    1 France warns people off Black Friday clothes deals

    The French government has launched a campaign encouraging people not to buy new clothes during festive sales.

    France warns people off Black Friday clothes deals

    The French government has launched a campaign encouraging people not to buy new clothes in Black Friday sales.

    The advert shows a man asking for advice in a shop before an assistant tells him not to buy anything, to help the planet and his finances.

    The minister for ecological transition - responsible for promoting sustainability - Christophe Béchu, is behind the campaign.


    Fed-up voters put Latin American leaders on thin ice

    Latin American governments are learning not to get too comfortable in office, as disgruntled voters repeatedly topple incumbents, often in favor of outsiders or inexperienced politicians.


    Calls for improvements to health and safety on set in UK. Rory Kinnear calls for improvements to health and safety on set

    BBC News has found widespread concern about poor safety practices in film and television.

    Rory Kinnear calls for improvements to health and safety on set

    Title change for clarification, in case people didn't know who Rory Kinnear was.

    The lack of "real world complaints" and "anger" in popular music genres helps keep the masses docile
  • I was thinking about this watching the doc "Midnight Oil: 1984". A year and a band (I think) that transcended the angry genre, music was catchy and very popular. So maybe the times will come around again. I feel sick of the media ignoring even the most basic issues (like, dunno, survival and stuff), and I think and hope others will connect with art that expresses some level of discontent. Which is a form of sanity these days.

  • Why Peter Nygard's son is supporting his accusers
  • So sorry, I didn't see if the article worked. I'm an idiot.

  • A Flock of Seagulls - Space Age Love Song
  • Like so many bands known for their single hit, this entire album is chock full of bangers. Joe Bob says check it out!

  • Tesla's dirty little secret on California's I-5

    The excuses that the drivers give on learning their clean energy isn't are pretty telling - “There’s I think an app where you can see where your energy comes from,” he said. “And I know the station a little farther down the road at Kettleman City is mostly solar. Sometimes we go there, but we like the food, atmosphere at Harris better.”

    3 Berliners rave against the motorway as extension threatens 20 cultural venues

    Clubbers hold street party protesting against plan to flatten 20 venues in path of ring road extension

    Berliners rave against the motorway as extension threatens 20 cultural venues

    [I ate] Pain au chocolat aux amandes avec gianduja. Like an everything bagel, but for viennoiserie!

    Half cook a pain au chocolat, take it out of the oven, cut it lengthwise, fill it with gianduja and almond cream, then top it with more almond cream and actual almonds et voilà !

    Edit: posted lightened photo to make more pretty
